"The boss wants to help. Whatever we can do, we will do."
Knowing that the Bush Administration has once again manipulated another terrorist threat to try and control Americans with fear based on lies, the question must be asked: whose side is the Bush Administration on?
The Bush Administration has based everything they have done on selling us their War on Terror, and their War on Terror is based entirely upon the attacks of 9/11. But before the World Trade Center had even stopped smoldering, the Bush Administration had already made the decision to ignore the fact that it was the Saudis who gave Osama the logistical, financial, and political help necessary to pull off the September 11th attack. Instead, they deliberately chose to focus on Iraq.
They proclaimed their intent to do whatever necessary to bring those who attacked us to justice, but the reality is that the Bush Administration hindered investigations, buried evidence and went to elaborate lengths to cover-up the involvement of the Saudis.
Although it would have seemed utterly inconceivable 10 years ago, the President of the United States has capitulated to every demand Osama made in the wake of 9/11. Our military was removed from Saudi Arabia, as demanded by Osama. The US attacked and removed Saudi Arabia's worst enemy: Saddam Hussein, ending one of the only secular governments in the region. With George W. Bush's help, Iraq will now become what Osama and the Saudi's were unable to make it into by themselves: a Fundamentalist Islamic Theocracy.
Americans are now hated more than ever in the Middle East, fulfilling Osama's prediction of a never ending supply of terrorist recruits and plenty of American troops to use as targets. How many American lives has the Bush Administration squandered while advancing the agenda of those who attacked us? George is the gift that keeps on giving. Unfortunately for us; he's giving to the other side.
Meanwhile, what the Bush Administration has done in their vaunted War on Terror has been stupendously ineffective at everything except helping the Saudis. Going after the mullahs of Afghanistan was as effective in fighting the War on Terror as trying to win the drug war by slapping the neighborhood crack dealer's 10 yr. old lookout. Taking out Saddam, who had nothing to do with 9/11, was only effective as a distraction to protect the Saudis and gain control of the world's second largest oil reserves. And Osama? Osama Bin Forgotten by the Bush Administration. He is free and will remain so. Considering all of the blustering bravado about Osama being brought to justice, it's astonishing that they no longer even make the pretense of trying to appear as if they are looking for him. What more could Bush do for Osama and the Saudis?
The most important issue for us now isn't whether we should "cut and run" or "stay the course" in Iraq. What difference does that make when it wasn't the right war? It's completely irrelevant. The only issue is why we fought the wrong war in the first place. Why we went into Iraq instead of chasing down those who made 9/11 happen.
This administration has successfully done everything in their power to turn the attention of the American public away from Saudi complicity in 9/11. Five years of lies upon lies, and all these lies co-incidentally work to favor both the Bush Administration and the agenda of the Saudi dictatorship. As we rapidly approach the point where the number of troops killed in Iraq surpasses the number of people who perished on September 11th, are we any closer to asking the only questions that matter about this war and this president?
Forget "cutting & running" from Iraq, this is about "aiding and abetting" those who have attacked us. It is long past time to start asking why George W. Bush chose to protect the people behind 9/11.
Until we deal with the complicity of the Bush Administration in protecting the people who made 9/11 happen, no action we are led into in the Middle East, or anywhere else, will make us safe or "win" the War on Terror.