Then, some poor psychotic chump shot thirty-two people and took his own life. At almost the same moment, the Supreme Court took us back to the days of the back alley abortion and condemned countless women to death, injury or disease. The public outrage at that decision suddenly was on page twenty instead of page one.
What a bonanza for the White House! Bush gets to shed his crocodile tears in a fancy tie for photo ops, and read statements of condolences written by unknown writers. Meanwhile torture, gulags, disappearances, slaughter in Iraq, war plans for Iran, support for the Israeli war machine, more gains for Homeland Security against We the People goes on unabated.
The American Public, with its notoriously short attention span, will read every article about the shooting victims, the endless psychological articles written by pundits on how Cho got so sick and how we should have headed it off. There will be blame and counter blame. Excuses will be made. The victims will be mourned and articles written about them and their potential contribution to the world, which has now been lost.
This same pattern has occurred every time a disaster has taken the people's minds off what the Bush regime is doing. This time will be no different. I'm sure if Homeland Security had the power they really want, the power to arrest and disappear people who, in their estimation, might someday commit a crime (however that may be defined by HS), Cho might have been apprehended. However, we have already seen how that sort of law works. Bush can go to war with any country he deems may someday, even in the distant future, not like us badly enough to threaten us, or even try to harm us.
It behooves us, as Americans, to keep our eyes firmly on the main problem in the United States today, the Bush regime, and not be distracted by other happenings, no matter how hyped or how disturbing. We can grieve with the victim's families and hope that such a thing will never happen again, but let us not be distracted by these things into letting the excesses of the Bush regime continue.
The drive for impeachment and for redress of grievances by the American People must not falter or we shall be truly lost.