Here is how the process works. Let's say that a representative comes up with a bill that solves the problem of Social Security funding. It is a perfect solution and worthy of a "yes" vote by every member of the government. So, Congressman or Senator Joe Blow attaches a rider to the bill that gives his state a multimillion-dollar defense contract, and Mary Smurf attaches a rider that authorizes the construction of a dam that will cost millions, and flood several thousand square miles of farmland and Native American sacred ground. Aaron Crudworth attaches an amendment that allows the President to bypass any congressional oversight on judicial appointments.
Now this perfect bill comes up for a vote. Those that vote for it are real heroes! Those that vote against it are probably not going to be re-elected. However, all that junk added on to it also becomes law, so those that oppose the destructive dam, or won't vote to give the President even more power, or those that don't want to see the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex become more powerful have to vote against it, and are tarred with the brush of being anti-Social Security.
The above is an oversimplification, of course, but illustrates the problem. This has been going on for far too many years, but it is becoming ever more blatant and destructive.
This should not be a problem...and would not be if the process was banned.
It will have to be initiated by We the People, because "They the Congress" would rather have a place to hang their pork and hide their lousy legislation where the people won't see it.
I'm not a politician and I don't know how to start a movement, but if we could get this one going, many of our governmental ills would be cured. Any legislation should be single issue, debated as such and voted upon as such. If you want a pork barrel project, introduce a bill for it and let it be openly debated and voted on. Don't be allowed to hide it in a child care or education appropriations bill.