By Hughes West
BUSH WARGeorge Walker Bush has had four years and four hundred billion dollars to get the Bush War right. Now he wants another one hundred billion dollars and an open-ended time frame, admitting that what his administration planned for this vanity war has not worked. Firing any general who disapproves or criticizes his plan, he rotates them into retirement until he finds a “yes” general who will tell him what he wants to hear; “Yes, Mister President, we can conduct this war with too few troops, and too little commitment of treasure. No, Sir, sacrifices on the home front won’t be necessary, and people can still watch NASCAR and spend the day at the lake, water skiing or riding their jet skis.”
As President Bush confessed to Robert Woodward in ‘Plan of Attack,’ “I’m a lousy war planner.” A lousy war planner is leading us in war? Look at his military record wherein he abandoned his post during the Vietnam War and went AWOL to launch a twenty year campaign of cocaine and whiskey binging. This president grew up in the shadow of his father, a cold and distant achiever. George Herbert Walker Bush went to Yale and started and stared on the varsity baseball team. George Walker Bush attended Yale and became a male cheerleader. Bush senior went to war and returned a decorated hero, while Junior disappeared, burying his military duty with the help of family connections. The father went into the oil business and became famous in Houston as a wildcatter who never hit a dry hole. His son, consequently, followed in Dad’s
footsteps and also became a wildcatter, but became infamous in the Houston ‘ahl’ business for never hitting a wet hole.
Before he invaded Iraq, George Walker Bush expected flowers would be thrown at the troops. Instead, Rocket Propelled Grenades have been launched at the troops. This president was told that he would transform the Middle East by exporting Jeffersonian democracy into Iraq. However, not knowing the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni Moslem, he discovered a tribal culture that neither understands parliamentary rule, nor wants western culture guiding their civilization. The Shiites want to rule themselves with an Iranian model of Islamic theocracy. The Sunnis want to return to the glory days of Baathist power, where jobs and privilege were the prerogatives of party discipline. The Kurds in the north have enhanced tribal war lord provinces, and await an invasion from Turkey. Iran and Saudi Arabia also are war planning invasions, taking advantage of the most incompetent commander in chief in United States military history.
George Walker Bush was too lazy to do his homework, and consequently let the genie out of the bottle, and it is a fearful whirlwind of slaughter and fire-storms. The Bush War defies adjectives, but some come to mind without the aid of a thesaurus. Fiasco, disaster, debacle, calamity, tragedy, and failure are just a few words used to describe this catastrophic misadventure, and he won’t let Daddy help him pick up the pieces and put them back together again. To paraphrase the great governor Ann Richards of Texas, who once taunted the father at a Democratic Convention address; if she were alive today she might say about the son, “Poor George, he cain’t ‘hep it, he was born with a silver straw up his nose.”