I am hearing that Rush Limbaugh was actually asking his listeners to commit "Voter Fraud." Isn't that what he has been accusing voters of committing? With Rush it is always, do as I say, not as I do, and his dittoheads blindly march in lockstep on orders from the Limbaugh Dumbass University.
It amazes me how thoroughly Limbaugh's Hate-Radio-Speak has permeated our culture. Even the most well-meaning people who speak of election fraud refer to it as "voter fraud" like it is the voters committing the fraud. Should I congratulate Limbaugh on what a great propagandist he is to have integrated this misleading misnomer so thoroughly into our election-speak?? No. I should contact The Secretary of State, our Attorney General, the FCC, the FEC, the EAC, and the Voting Rights Section of the Civil Rights division of the Department of Justice and ask politely for them all to file lawsuits or hold hearings. So far the only hearing has been before Feinstein's Senate Committee this week. It's a start.
First of all, the FCC would not care if I complained that corporate media pundits can make stuff up and pass it off to the public as truth, they'd just tell me it's done all the time. Yes, they do it all the time now that there are only crony operatives like Kevin Martin at the helm of the FCC do to the fascist corporate media's bidding. They won't enforce the Rule of Law to demand that the corporate media serve the public interest by actually telling the truth. It is worse than that now as the media seems comfortable broadcasting intentional lies. Times have changed since I got my degree in Broadcast Journalism. To quote Dick Cheney, they would also say, "So?" What about the FEC? The FEC literally has no one at the helm right now (Crony fascist Von Spakovsky had a little trouble with his nomination to the post), so they aren't even an enforcing body.
The EAC only cares about how they are going to help the vendors rig the next election with their software. Besides, they don't want to dirty themselves with "voter fraud" anymore. Would it would be too much to ask of them, especially considering that they have been there, done that, commissioned the study that proved there really is no documented evidence of voter fraud? They've buried that report because it didn't prove what they wanted. I am sure the EAC's Donetta Davison would insist I just let buried reports stay buried.
Good luck with that. Last I heard, John K. Tanner, Bush crony and dumbass excuse-maker, was still camped out in the old office of the job he resigned from as Voting Section Chief, Civil Rights Division, DOJ just a week earlier. He's a sentimental guy I guess.
Oh, you won't find anyone there to enforce the Rule of United States Election Law either. Just ask David Eglesias, former USA of Arizona who was fired because he refused to bring "voter fraud" cases. Why? HE COULD NOT FIND ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO BRING SUCH A CASE. How dare he be so ethical? Doesn't he know there's a unitary executive branch that needs to be kept in power? A false paradigm to uphold?
Iglesias and other former USAs will also tell you they were fired for not making up fiction.
Here in Ohio, our unitary executive has an ally in our brain-dead Republican state legislature that passed House Bill 3 in 2005 with its strict Voter ID provisions which still stand and are perfectly fine with our SoS Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat who curiously, at one time, testified AGAINST the unfair ID provision in HB 3. I was there. I heard it from her own lips. Why the change of heart, Jennifer? This, even though "voter fraud" has proven to be a fake argument that pushed those repugnant voter ID provisions into Ohio HB 3 in the first place. Brunner apparently now thinks they are JUST FINE.
Read about the misadventures of Thor Hearne, Karl Rove operative and their RNC front organization American Center for Voting Rights which promoted the fake crisis of voter fraud (go to bradblog.com). ACVR was in the business of drumming up the phony case for "voter fraud" around the same time House Bill 3 passed our legislature.
I recall the false testimony of Ohio Senator Kevin Coughlin, who ranted on the many evils of "voter fraud" before the gullible Ohio Senate Rules Committee in the hearings before the passage of HB 3 where dissenting voices were snuffed.
From HAVA all the way down to Ohio House Bill 3 and our lame elected officials, our elections in Ohio are still amazingly vulnerable with a Secretary of State in love with centralized tabulation and recounts that are "random" in name only.
That is why I decided I needed to organize a Citizen Exit Poll for Ohio's primary. In our survey of over 1800 Ohio voters, McCain's numbers were paltry even though he won Ohio's Republican primary.
But Hillary's? Wow! Should I congratulate Rush Limbaugh for promoting actual "voter fraud" so successfully? He thinks of it as an accomplishment. I view it as a crime. It actually is a crime, Rush. It's called "Voter Fraud."
In vain, I could complain to SoS Jennifer Brunner, Ohio Senate Rules Chair Bill Harris, Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, John K. Tanner, Hans Von Spakovsky, Karl Rove, Thor Hearne, Donetta Davidson, all five FCC Commissioners, Congressman John Conyers, Henry Waxman's House Oversight Committee, but will anything actually be done to expose the false argument for "Voter Fraud"?
I hope Feinstein's Committee can get to the truth behind how we got these disenfranchising Voter ID rules in place and end this charade by exposing it. Now that we know that "voter fraud" is a fraud in and of itself, can we rebuke the repugnant rulings that enforce stringent voter ID rules nationwide? Voter ID was promoted on a lie, after all.