Of course, there are those who say it'd be barbaric to just leave the Iraqis to their own inter-factional blood-bath, but we cannot save them from themselves; if they find it necessary to kill each other (and themselves, by the way), all the "KING'S HORSES and ALL THE KING'S MEN" can't prevent it.
We MIGHT wish to assist those who wish to escape the hostilities and get them out of the country. That's about the best we can do now that Bush's foreign policy has become nothing short of a catastrophe. Way back when I heard Bush "debating" with Al Gore, I thought to myself "THIS GUY is NUTS! His foreign policy plan is essentially to alienate everyone; to PUNISH those in the world who don't kowtow to HIS arrogant commands. Bush and Chaney have had the unwavering notion that "IT'S OUR WAY, OR THE HI-WAY!" Unfortunately, this is the formula for making enemies and that's what we've done.
I requested in an earlier diary entry some assistance in enumerating and cataloging Bush's crimes and failures. Here is the report from that effort:
1. Bush lied to the American people about the need for starting a war against Iraq.
2. Bush's wiretapping without a warrant breaks the law.
3. The deliberate organization of the ' election coup'. You can find the proof in the book by V. Bugliosi.
4. Deliberate negligence resulting in the wrongful death of the US citizens during the Katrina "massacre".
Following is a synthesis of many reasons for impeachment:
5. On his first day in office, Bush reinstated the global gag rule to hinder family planning; he rejected established treaties; the Bush administration fights abortion rights in developing nations; the Bush administration tried to stop contraceptive funding for federal employees; Bush wanted to enact legislation for legal protection for the fetus at the expense of the health of the mother; At Bush's insistence, the House Passed the Partial Birth Abortion Bill; Former Attorney General Ashcroft invaded privacy by seeking to open medical records; Bush stacked the federal courts; Bush wrongly sought to limit contraception pill; On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Bush declared National Sanctity of Life day (an obvious effort to weaken the woman's right to choose; Bush's HHS appointee proposed denying benefits to cohabitating couples; Bush fought UN programs that mentioned condoms.
George Bush opposed the rehabilitation program for war crime victims if it offered abortion information; At Bush's instigation, the Republican bill denied permission for the doctor-patient abortion discussion; the FDA appointee of Bush refused to discuss contraception with unwed female patients; Bush supporters tried to claim that abortions cause breast cancer; the Bush administration blocked abortions for overseas service women; The Bush administration requested and offered inadequate funding for security and reconstruction in Afghanistan which left women unsafe.
In waging war in Iraq, Bush's defense department failed in Tracking Arms for Iraqis; The warnings on WMD 'fabricator' were completely Ignored, an ex-CIA aide said; This same idiot, Bush, won't rule out a nuclear strike on Iran; The Pentagon revised the U. S. 's Nuclear Strike Plan; The Pentagon felt it important to resume production of antipersonnel mines; The Bush administration tried to "hoax" the American people by saying the U.N. backed the war when actually there were only a few countries that fell under the American dominance to do so; Bush and the US gave al-Qaeda a fertile training ground; the epitome of stupidity: the attack on Najaf which turned allies against the U. S.; wounded soldiers (returning veterans) are not receiving appropriate care and concern; diplomacy was and is totally flaunted with respect to Iran; due to a website that intricately demonstrated how to construct bombs, the Bush administration gave bomb makers a "free gift" in how to kill our soldiers; $1.9 billion of Iraq's money has gone to U.S. Contractors; the US granted 'protected' status to Iranian terrorists; Cheney just won't let it go that we had no reliable intelligence for reasons to invade Iraq.
The Bush controlled Congress reached a decision not to explore quashed FBI investigations prior to 9/11 so as to minimize Bush's failures to do so; contrary to another of Bush's "promises", Iraq won't be paying for itself; Iraq is much worse off than before the war began.
There have been crimes and simply horrendous activities down at Guanta'namo; the Bush administration has criminally encouraged and accepted what they euphemistically call 'aggressive' interrogation methods; Bush has shamefully questioned the patriotism of war critics; Bush has countenanced torture of prisoners in Iraq; Afghan detainees have also been routinely tortured and humiliated by US troops (this doesn't happen except by being advocated by those in command and at the top; at the behest of Bush, so-called "experts" argued that Saddam would only use WMDs if attacked, ramping up the WAR MOTIVATION in the U. S.
Bush killed suspected terrorists in Yemen, raising questions of legality; in most European countries, more than 80% of the people opposed the Iraq war; Bush provided poor intelligence to UN inspectors before invading Iraq; as a matter of general fact: Bush favors UN irrelevance (one of the reasons for the Bolton appointment--whose approach is one of demand and not diplomacy); Bush kept secret the cost of war until after it began; George Bush postured that the war against Saddam was God's will to persuade the religious right; Bush attempted the illegal assassination of Saddam; Bush has been generally and massively insensitive to Iraqi deaths, even lying about the extremely high numbers.
Bush has threatened North Korea as part of his "axis of evil" failed foreign policy; Former President Bill Clinton said, "I told Bush of bin Laden and he changed the subject"; The Iraq war is the greatest failure EVER in US foreign policy; This idiot Bush said that post-war Iraq would be like post-war France and that U.S. troops will be welcomed in as liberators; Bush claimed that the war in Iraq would not be very expensive; Bush said that Iraqis would completely govern themselves in just a few weeks or months; Bush claimed that Iraq would be able to pay for most of the reconstruction costs; Bush attempted to argue that the removal of Saddam Hussein would serve to improve relations between Israel and Palestine; another Bush argument was that other countries opposed to the war, after our success there, would contribute to Iraq's reconstruction.
Bush even threatened Syria while at war on two fronts [we're not talking about someone who is very bright here, not withstanding those who advise him]; Bush, in order to instill fear in the American people, claimed that terrorists want to take our freedoms away; in Iraq, Bush and the US ignored human rights lessons; Bush revised the rationale for the war; under orders from the Bush administration, the C.I.A. didn't give weapon data to the U.N.; The Bush administration continued to pay Iraqi exiles, despite having supplied false intelligence; The U. S. Defense Dept. didn't supply troops with sufficient armor; an Iraqi newspaper editor-in-chief quit, "U.S. suffocates a free press"; Bush tried to limit the probe of intelligence failures preceding the WTC attacks; Bush continued Reagan's-folly of the missile defense shield; Bush's cronies claim US 'not bound by torture laws'; the US protected only two sites after invading Iraq, one of them was the ministry of oil; Bush declared, stupidly and prematurely, "Mission Accomplished"; Bush's "Bring 'em on!" resulted in soldiers' deaths (do you doubt the weak brain of this "cowboy"?); Months after the invasion, Iraqis are without water and electricity. Bush fought to keep money from injured Gulf War vets; Bush's man in Baghdad, Paul Bremer, said terrorists are "right where we want 'em";
Bush Moves to Privatize Social Security; Bush's words and actions are completely at odds on children's health care; Bush's domestic policies leaves many more homeless; Bush's drug plan overlooks the middle class; Bush's compassion is all talk and no "do"; Bush's policies undermined Medicare and Medicaid; what Bush really wants is to privatize Medicare; 150,000 lose welfare due to Bush-imposed time limits; Bush denied legal protection for welfare recipients.
Well, there's so much more to add here, but suffice it to say that BUSH'S failures and crimes have ONLY been in areas of foreign and domestic policies. I'm sure the MOUNTAIN he would have to climb to avoid being considered the WORST President in U. S. history is daunting--an Everest, in fact. If ever there is a George W. Bush "autobiography", it will happen ONLY from the words of a ghost-writer; Bush is incapable of writing his own. And doesn't THAT speak louder than anything else about his mental capabilities.
But perhaps he can ATTEMPT to do something right. Getting out of Iraq is his only prayer at this juncture.
AND, IMPEACHMENT is our recourse. Sooner, rather than later, makes good sense. Just because HE'S an idiot, doesn't mean we have to be.