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I was born when I was yet quite young, and was second-born in a litter of two. My twin sister and I are not now, nor have we ever been, identical as evidenced by our differing balding patterns: she has very little facial hair. If you look us straight in the face, you'll be able to tell the difference. We were, however, womb-mates (and not cell-mates) which nevertheless allowed us to escape strict individuality for quite some time. In any case, now that we're both in our dotage, I am a stage actor, and she is not. I have written a couple of screenplays: Telepathy Tech and BallTown (an animated feature with sports balls, etc. as characters). Here's the logline: As URTH and MOONICA whirl your way, what oh what can T. D. FOOT, TIPPY the VOLLEY GIRL, DUNCAN BASKET and the frightened residents of BallTown do when SLIME takes a notion to destroy their bounce, their roll and even their soul. I'm also an oil paint artist. These are a few aids to help with identification.
Haven't we all observed these but because we go through life on cruise control, they whip by generally unnoticed. However, if you have any thought of a career in journalism or of being interviewed (more than once), you need to study up and learn each of these.
SHARE Tuesday, September 23, 2008 30 Talking Points to Favor Obama
There are many more than 30 talking points that favor Obama; however using these can assist in what we in debating call a "prima facie" case.
SHARE Thursday, May 17, 2007 BUSH HAS BEEN CONSISTENT in his criminal BEHAVIOR
Normally I'd count consistency a virtue, and in many cases it is just that. However, when we look "behind the headlines", THIS administration's consistency has been in all the wrong directions.
SHARE Thursday, April 19, 2007 DUBIOUS, the WMD SUIT
Enormous tribute to Hans Christian Andersen for his "The Emperor's New Suit". History repeats itself.
SHARE Saturday, January 20, 2007 Bush-Speak--a much-abridged Dictionary
THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S DICTIONARY is, by anyone's measure, a lexicon that adds a myriad of new definitions to our language. Over the past six years, our inference of the world of word-meanings has undergone a metamorphosis due quite literally to George W. Bush and his confederates.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, December 29, 2006 BUSH GIVES A "THUMPIN" TO THE NEAREST STINKY POLL-CAT
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the WORST villain, blackguard, heel, knave, miscreant, rascal, reprobate, rogue, scalawag, scoundrel, swine, wretch, lowlife, scumbag of them all?" THE MIRROR REPLIES, "You are, GEORGE, IN A LANDSLIDE!"
SHARE Monday, December 25, 2006 BUSH'S BLUNDERLAND a parody . . .
With apologies to Felix Bernard (composer of Winter Wonderland) and Richard B. Smith (lyricist), AND the singing artists: Andrews Sisters as well as Perry Como.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 23, 2006 GEORGIE, THE RED-STATE "REIGN-DEAR"
With sincere apologies to RUDOLPH, as well as Robert May (the originator of the idea), Johnny Marks (the song writer), Montgomery Ward (the retailer promoter) and Gene Autry (who sang the song)...
SHARE Thursday, December 14, 2006 NEEDED: LARGE POWERFUL FAN to blow the DIRT back at ROVIANS
When I heard W. say he'd read the Iraq Special Committee's Report, I had to laugh. What he meant (and should have said, if he wanted to be honest) was he had his staff read it and "fill him in". And will he read Obama's book? You know the answer.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 12, 2006 THE BIBLE loses MUCH in the TRANSLATION. CREATIONISTS, get REAL!
For you FUNDAMENTALISTS, you are welcome to whatever daily "walk with God" you require; It is my fervent wish for you that SOMEDAY after this life you'll walk with your "guy" God on the vault of chuwg. As you do so, from above the stars, cast your eyes through the clouds down upon all of the grasshoppers here. If and when I can contemplate the existence of GOD (which is by no means always) he/she/it is infinitely infinite.
SHARE Tuesday, December 5, 2006 GEORGE WASHINGTON v. george bush. . . Hamlet: See what a grace was seated on this brow, . . .Look you now what follows
Hamlet's words, in accosting his mother for her shabby choice in a husband, return with biting relevancy: ...what judgement would step from this to this? What devil was't that thus hath cozen'd you at hoodman-blind? Eyes without feeling, feeling without sight ... O shame, where is thy blush? ... A murderer and a villain, A slave that is not twentieth part the tithe of your precedent lord, a vice of kings, a cutpurse ...
SHARE Sunday, December 3, 2006 RIGHT for the JOB???
And what do YOU think of BUSH'S opinion of who is qualified for a job? BUSH himself isn't qualified to be President, much less to judge qualifications.
SHARE Monday, November 27, 2006 IF Bush Is Smart (an oxymoron), He'll Get Out of Iraq; If WE'RE Smart, We'll Impeach Him!
George W. Bush's ONLY Prayer to
"maybe" AVOID Being the WORST
U.S. President in History . . .IT'S NOT ENOUGH to SAVE him from deserving IMPEACHMENT, however!!! And his "cognitive" abilities are so minimal tht he is patently unaware of what a poor job he's done. If there's ever an "autobiography", it will be from the words of a ghost writer. Bush is incapable of writing his own.
SHARE Wednesday, November 22, 2006 BUSH'S ECHELONS of LIFE (based on objective observation)
Here is George Bush's hierarchy of life, according to the actions speak louder than words record of our brain-cell challenged President: These are his
ECHELONS of LIFE (in order of value: HIGHEST to LOWEST)
SHARE Saturday, November 18, 2006 LIFE? OK, Let's talk about it.
I offer these thoughts about life structures and EVOLUTION. Indeed they beg for ideas and "ask for" more exploration and research. But, I also offer it to put into perspective what can be lost if we disregard THE WARNINGS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING. Evolution depends upon the success of the environment.