09/20/07 - Dollar slide continues - dollar index now at 78.37
The Dollar revisited - discussion 2005
From a chat between Jim Pivonka and Walter Burien - topic: the Dollar, linked at: http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/discuss/1881/ground_control_to_mr_bush/
The motive? Money, Money, Money, Control, Control, Control....
People seem to believe the US Government is allowing the trade deficit to enlarge out of ignorance or ineptness. Wrong!
They believe the massive purchases of goods from China are just happening based on that 5c per hour wage in China. Wrong!
Well, here is your WAKE-UP CALL to know the REALITY!
First and foremost, the largest group of investment capital of this world are owned and controlled by US local and Federal government.
These investment funds in their composite totals from the tens of thousands of "individual" government entities is no less than a conservative sixty (60) trillion dollars.
From the 1930s to about 1965 most of these government investment funds were restricted from investment in "Foreign" investments. Most had a limit cap of 5 or 10% that could be invested outside of the US.
But then, let us backdate to 1946 and the implementation of the plan to change government from a pay as you go structure into an administrative "Corporate" structure for revenue collection and profit. In 1946 a well backed by the power elite private group called; Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA) introduced the new government accounting "corporate" accounting standard of the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report). The CAFR structured as the typical private sectors Annual Financial Report was designed to now separate government's pay as you go Budget from the investments of government and venture projects that could become very profitable such as toll ways, ports, state universities, and even as things developed government owned golf courses and sports authorities with these government "Enterprise" authorities worth from across the land being in the hundreds of billion of dollars if not in the "T" figure.
With that being said and disclosed, back to the 1970s. The CAFR structure was now the fundamental basis for all local governments now mandated by federal law at the request of GFOA. Massive amounts of investment wealth were building within local government accounts. Investment wealth shown on the CAFR but not on the selectively created "Budget" reports presented by local governments for the taxpayer and general populaces digestion. The CAFR (of which over 86,000 separated local government entities produce each year as of 2003) or Government's Annual Financial Report was for all intents and purposes was intentionally kept secret and the public did not have a clue for decades as to what the new "Corporate" for profit government was developing into right under their own noses.
To do this government needed the full cooperation of the controlled News Media and organized Education. The reality of the situation of the nation disclosure per the CAFR shows that they accomplished that objective.
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