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During 2013-14, Mr. Weissman served as interim president of Palm Springs General Hospital in Miami-Dade County, Florida. He is currently a practicing Florida attorney. The insider's view of the healthcare system motivated Weissman to become an energetic advocate for reform. Weissman has had a lifelong interest in healthcare policy. As a law student, Mr. Weissman authored A Critical Review of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, 116 Trusts & Estates 264, April, 1977, which proposed an opt-out organ donation system, known as "presumed consent," designed to ease the shortage of human organs for transplantation. The U.S. National Heart Transplantation Study, Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers; United States Health Care Financing Administration (at note 92), expressly states that it "heavily" relies upon Weissman's opt-out proposal. Nearly forty years ago, the opt-out organ donation system was considered a radical idea. As of now, this system has been adopted by at least 25 other nations and it is gaining mainstream support in the U.S. Following his work as hospital president, Weissman authored Remedies for an Epidemic of Medical Provider Price Gouging, 90 Florida Bar Journal 22, February 2016, revealing that the prototypical "usual and customary" medical bill may constitute legally actionable fraud. During 2016, Weissman also started a Change.Org Petition to "End Predatory Healthcare Pricing." It has drawn widespread public support, garnering over 100,000 signatures. Thousands of public comments on the Petition (including many from people who identify themselves as physicians, nurses and others working in healthcare), have formed an ever growing diary of suffering and inequity under the current healthcare system. Mr. Weissman has authored a variety of other articles including non-healthcare related legal topics as well. He has served as an adjunct professor at both the University of Miami School of Law and Nova University Graduate Management Program.

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Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs, From ImagesAttr
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Healthcare system bleeds us dry by design Former hospital president exposes the simple cause of the nation's healthcare cost crisis: crony capitalism. The health industry has evaded application of customary consumer-protection laws and real pricing. Providers operate by predatory pricing, extracting as much as possible on a patient by patient basis. To slash costs overnight, Congress need only mandate "legitimate" healthcare pricing.
(17 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 24, 2016
Former Hospital President: Skyrocketing healthcare costs are caused by political corruption Healthcare reform. Political corruption. Skyrocketing medical bills. Free market economics. Predatory health care pricing. Price gouging by hospitals, physicians and labs. lobbyists.

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