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Mark Lloyd is a working stiff in Minneapolis. He grew up in Yorkshire, England during the socialist 70's and Thatcher & Reagan's 80's and disliked both mobs. His fierce interest in politics, history and The Truth combined with the appalling start to the 21st century have finally convinced him to start writing again.
SHARE Wednesday, July 12, 2006 American World Domination Through Massive Nuclear Threat
If China had invaded Iraq, what would Fox News be calling the insurgency? If Americans were planting IED's on NY freeways to blow up invading Russian tanks,what would we be calling the bombers? When Osama bin Laden was fighting Russian troops in Afghanistan, we called him "Mujahadeen" Guerilla fighter and hero, money from the CIA.
SHARE Friday, June 16, 2006 The Suicide Factory
American values used to be a beacon -now they are a sickness. Use the nine trillion to buy bird flu vaccine or you're toast dudes. Gnarly.
(5 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 7, 2006 Haditha Video Games
Amerikans are not stupid. They are just utterly uninformed, deliberately, pathetically, crassly, totally, uninformed, dumbed down, ignorant, hypnotized Sheeple.
The corporate media keep the people quiet like no other time in history. This is Fascism, wrapped in the flag and personified by a good ol’ boy with a cross around his neck. Will you switch off the video games and rejoin humanity?