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Carrie Gamble

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Carrie J. Gamble is the owner of an independent publishing company, Carrie J. Gamble, Inc. She is the co-author, editor, calligrapher, watercolor artist and publisher of "Grandmother's Cookbook," a collection of her own grandmother's best recipes. Details about the cookbook and more delicious recipes of Carrie's grandmother, Elizabeth Rose von Hohen can be found on their website.

Carrie J Gamble has also published "Simple Pleasures," a book about nature's greatest gifts. It is illustrated with watercolors of dolphins, whales, rainbows, sandcastles and more!

Carrie resides in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She enjoys writing, cooking, baking, gardening and entertaining.


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SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 24, 2009
Welcoming the Bounty Which Springs From Mother Earth Mother Earth is not only awakening with beautiful spring flowers, but also with delicious vegetables and fruit found in our gardens and local farm markets. Enjoy our recipes for Bacon Dressing on fresh garden greens and Crusty French Bread to serve with preserves.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 30, 2009
My Grandmother ~ Born 100 Years Ago! My grandmother, Elizabeth Rose von Hohen, was born 100 years ago on April 1, 1909. In her lifetime she experienced many changes. What remained the same was her love of cooking comfort food recipes for her family. I am proud to share two recipes which have been in our family for over 100 years!
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 25, 2008
Honoring Mothers and Grandmothers on Mother's Day by Reminiscing About The Past With Mother's Day coming up it got me thinking about the loving relationship between my grandmother and her mother. This is an old fashioned story dating back to 1918 when my grandmother was a nine year old school girl. At school she discovered "all of the wonderful things" her girlfriends brought in their lunches. Mother and daughter experimented together with new recipes. You'll love the one for Butterscotch Pie!
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 16, 2008
Easter – A Time for Family, Love and The Traditional "Easter Lamb Cake" The joys of times shared with family on Easter Sunday are the core of this article. Who could forget the anticipation and fun of Easter egg hunts at grandmom & grandpop's house? While spring flowers abound both inside and out there is an air of magic. I have a perfect picture in my mind's eye of the beautiful Easter Lamb Cake which was always the centerpiece of grandmom's Easter Sunday Dinner table.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Treasured Family Recipes Can Connect Us To Our Past Through my own experience I have a strong belief that family recipes not only connect us to our past, but are part of who we are. Our family heritage is so important. Part of our heritage are the recipes passed down from our grandmothers and mothers. You'll enjoy the ethnic recipes I have included: Hungarian Goulash, Bread Dumplings, Lemon Sponge Pie and Pie Crust.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 10, 2008
Country Style Recipes Will Make Valentine's Day A Family Affair My grandmother always delighted in celebrating every holiday! With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I wanted to share my memories of the festive holiday our family was lucky enough to enjoy every year. Why not create these kinds of traditions and memories for your family?
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Recipes To Warm Your Heart and Your Soul This is an article about the appreciation of foods which came out of your grandmother's kitchen. It talks about comfort food and how it has the capacity to nurture our souls. It includes two recipes to warm your family's hearts during these long, cold winter days.

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