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I'm a life-long resident of central Florida and am back in school working toward a bachelor's degree in science. I'm a member of the Florida Republican Liberty Caucus and Gun Owners of America. In November I'll be running for Seminole County Republican Committeeman. So if you live in precinct 052 don't forget to vote. =P
SHARE Saturday, June 21, 2008 World Food Supply and Genetic Modification
Agricultural giants such as Monsanto are attempting to control the world's food supply by developing genetically modified seeds and customized pesticides.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, February 4, 2008 A Vote Not Wasted
After Ron Paul's disappointing 3% support Tuesday I know I did the right thing by showing my support for the best and most honest candidate and I'm happy to be part of the intelligent minority. 60,000 votes is better than zero.