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Sarah Ruth

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There are too many trolls and preachers of doom now on OEN, but I still come here once in a while to read and give thumbs up to those I think are the wisest. I originally came here because some time ago I read some of the writings of Karen Armstrong, an ex-Nun and a member of the progressive Jesus Seminar. She wrote the best-selling books, The History of God, and The Battle for God, and she makes a lot of sense to me. Then I became a Deist and Unitarian Universalist after I read the writings of Joseph J. Adamson, a man who not only feels the same way about the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). He suggests that we need a reformation of religion and a reformation of government, to create a family of equal religions, and to establish government that respects all religions equally and is truly of, by and for the people. He inspired me to promote his message, but these days there is too much malice and mendacity for me.

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(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 1, 2010
Join The Humanitarian Coalition for Peace and Freedom The message we promote is in the best interest of humanity as a whole body, regardless of religious beliefs, because what is needed in the world is not more theocratic versions of religions as we know them. What is needed is secular government that respects all true religions (and reformed religions) that promote unity, harmony, and peace.
(37 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 7, 2009
Most of the Founding Fathers and Early Presidents Were Deists and Freemasons, Not Christians We are still besieged by the theocratic imposition and bigotry of the so-called "Christian Right." But the true intent expressed in the writing of the founding fathers flies in the face of those false prophets and false shepherds.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 16, 2008
Partisan Politics: Do We Need More Parties, or None? Is partisan politics the solution, or the problem? Do we need more political parties, or none? Do we need to fight for power over each other, or choose a better way that will establish government truly of, by and for the people?
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Biggest Change Will Be Lasting Change. The biggest change will be lasting change, and it won't initiated by any politician, right or left. It will be initiated by the people when enough of us learn how we may truly reform our government so that it no longer serves Mammon and the wealthiest few, but instead serves all the people. And it will be the biggest change in two thousand years, fulfilling the prophecies of ALL religions.
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 26, 2008
What Dyed-In-the-Wool Christians, Muslims and Jews Do Not Understand It's just as the greatest and most true prophets predicted. That is, false prophets and spiritually blind shepherds have been leading their blind flocks far astray and alienating them from main-stream society, claiming to be the true Christians or Muslims or Jews.

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