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Luke Fortune is a certified paralegal and began investigating the UFO phenomenon in approximately 1997. After having a clear viewing of a plasma propulsion craft, he began researching the archives of the US patent office, and of other countries patent offices, to try and locate UFO technology. His searches over the next ten years led to the accumulation of all the data, and more, that would become the UFO How-To series. Each book in this six volume series is over 500 pages in length, 99% of the content are complete patents, with a recent addition of a primer volume at 118 pages, "The Basics," designed to simplify the understanding of the encyclopedic series, and make the science of UFO propulsion systems comprehensible to the average person.
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Technology publicly open and available for use on how to convert your car, truck or SUV to run on water/hydrogen has been exposed, along with the ability to power your home off the electrical grid.