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It is my hope that the people reading my work would not actually care "About Me". I have an education, a job, and a place to live. I am, for all intents and purposes, as "average" as any American can be, at least in background. It is by my ideas that I would want the reader to judge the worth of my articles. Hopefully I Inform, entertain, inspire, or even piss off the reader enough to comment and return. My thoughts are forever evolving and growing. Often I have found myself in 180 degrees opposition from a value, policy or virtue I once believed strongly in. "Flip Flopping", when done right, I believe is a sign of an open mind. It can also be a sign of a weak mind.
(11 comments) SHARE Monday, May 11, 2009 SSRIs (Prozac): The Unidentified Marriage Killer
A tragic account of how my marriage and many others are destroyed by SSRI's such as Prozac. The story that the doctor won't tell you.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 21, 2009 When You're Stuck In Quicksand, Kicking Your Feet Only Makes You Sink Faster
I would like to have somebody explain to me how helping out failing home owners is going to help the economy. This is my take on why it not only won't help, but will hurt those of us who did things right.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 10, 2009 What Is Good For The Producer Is Good For The Consumer Economies
It seems in our quest to be fair we are willing to let ourselves crumble into economic chaos. However as usual, what "common sense" leads us to believe is "fair" falls short of reality. Other countries subsidize their whole labor force in both tangible and intangible ways. Healthcare, education, energy costs, shorter mortality, less credit can all cause an unfair advantage to the US economy.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 24, 2008 Breaking News Is Broken
Even the news has suffered from our mental sweet tooth. They broadcast what they know will sell and not what is important. Today was a new low.
SHARE Wednesday, December 3, 2008 Economics 3.141592... Who's to Blame for the Big Three Failure?
Nothing in economics is quite that simple. People are calling for all different kinds of solutions to our current economic woes. Nobody stops to consider the full impact of their idea. This is a look at how "The Big Three" got into the situation they were in. Sometimes things look good on paper, but only if you stop writing before the paper is finished.
(4 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 22, 2008 Credit In The Simplest Terms Possible. I Think
As long as the government keeps propping up the credit industry our problems will never be solved. To understand why bailing out the auto industry is more sensible than bailing out Fannie, Freddie, AIG, or Lehman. At least the auto industry produces a product.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Barack Wins!! Congrats, No Time For Disneyland
This is a sincere and real congratulation to President Elect Barack Obama. The cheerleading party is over, boot camp is complete, it is time to work.
SHARE Tuesday, October 7, 2008 Raising Taxes vs. Reducing Wealth
Often the argument is made by the conservative right that Democrats are noted for raising taxes and drive jobs out of the country. Take a shallow perspective of what that means and it is accurate. However, the whole story is that Republicans have a more backhanded approach to achieve the same means. This article will delve further into that reality.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 20, 2008 The Good, Bad, And Ugly About Bail Out Fest '08
Quick and always different look at the current crisis. Who will be affected by the bail out, and the surprising winners?
SHARE Thursday, June 19, 2008 Opening Drilling In ANWAR, Taxing Our Way Out, And the Reality Of The Gas Price Crisis
A Q & A about the reality of drilling our way out of the gasoline price crisis. Drilling for more oil is like saying the problem with crack addicts is that there is not enough crack supply. If there was more crack it would drive the price down and they wouldn't have to beg, steal, and hook to get their fix.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 6, 2008 Partisan Politics And Presidential Powers
Poking fun at average Joe Voter's lack of understanding how to vote and what effects the president has on the policies that affect their life. Voting 101 and alternative uses for the Oval Office are all covered.
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, April 22, 2008 John McCain: More Liberal Then Most Democrats On Economics.
A hard look at some of Senator McCain's economic proposals. It is no wonder the conservatives hate him. Then again he doesn't seem to completely understand Liberalism either. Really it doesn't look like he understands anything.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, March 31, 2008 Why Isn't It Our Business?
After Chelsea pointed out that she has never been asked about her mom's credibility in reference to the nation's most public sex scandal it left me to ask, "why not?" That lead me to consider other questions that have gone unasked of Ms. Clinton.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, March 10, 2008 The New Poor
A hard look and description of the US current economic situation. It addresses the credit issue from both the individual and national perspective. The article lays the blame squarely on the credit industry. The concept brings to light why all attempts to fix the countries financial crisis has had little effect.