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"Former" U.S. Marine, "Former" Harvard Man and "Scholar," ... of sorts. Mentally Ill, activist, online and otherwise, for my fellow mentally ill and retarded fellow CITIZENS, PEOPLE, and online activist for COUNTLESS other causes.
Am cautiously hopefully, as of this date of Jan. 18th, 2009, A.D., just prior to our first African-AMERICAN President's being sworn into his presumably, STILL "U.S. CONSTITUTION Upholding and Respecting" Office.
Will again state herein, that I firstly do PRAY, and yes HOPE firstly for Barack HUSSEIN Obama's, EIGHT FULL YEARS OF FULL HEALTH AND TOTAL SAFETY IN THE PEOPLE'S WHITE HOUSE.
As for the "change" that he, and his overall ADMINISTRATION, shall truly deliver, ... we must wait, and see. Thank You.