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(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Honoring Ted Kennedy and Deeper Sorrow for the Emerging Epidemic of Glioblastoma Brain Cancer
Senator Ted Kennedy's brave fight with Glioblastoma Brain Cancer and a Commentary on the #1 Cause of Cancer Death for Kids 19 and under. Highlighting how deeply flawed our healthcare debate is and how a killer disease like Glioblastoma Brain Cancer will advance due to a lack of a true continuum of support for patients along the entire continuum.
(15 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 7, 2009 Want True Economic Stimulus, Obama? Replace Trickle Down With Bottom Up Community Driven Economic Models
Obama must apply his success at grassroots fundraising and 'bottoms up' economic model to the current economic crisis. Sadly, all indications are that he's inventing merely a different kind of "trickle down" plan. Without citizen based involvement and 'bottoms up' thinking, this $900B will merely accelerate inflation and lead to an even worse depression. Instead, dispensing the money in a decentralized way is the only answer
SHARE Friday, November 14, 2008 CA Prop8 Ballot Initiative Vs. Representative Rule, Let's Reaffirm LGBT Rights thru Representative Rule
The real villians in the Prop8 California ballot initiative Failure are not churches, old people or black people. The real villian is the insidiously encroaching citizen masses ballot initiatives that were never a form of government our founding fathers endorsed. This article encourages spending money on electing LGBT and Gay Allied legislators as an antidote to marriage bans in 33 states.
(7 comments) SHARE Monday, August 18, 2008 Banish: Lever Machines, DREs & Opticscans-Support Ballots as Objects
Lever machines are equated to DRE machines and Optiscan for creating inaccurate, unauditable elections because they all 3 redefine the ballot as a process when it should only ever been seen as an object.