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Èzili Dantò

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Human Rights Lawyer, Èzili Dantò is dedicated to correcting the media lies and colonial narratives about Haiti. An award winning playwright, a performance poet, author and lawyer, Èzili Dantò is founder of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, runs the Èzili Dantò website, listserve, eyewitness project, FreeHaitiMovement, the on-line journal, Haitian Perspectives and Zili Dlo, an Èzili Network project for clean water, renewable power, cultural education and skills transfer for Haiti. In 2018, Èzili was an honoree, Connecticut Women Hall of Fame.


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Freedom, Liberty or Death! - Battle of Vertieres, From Uploaded
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, November 19, 2023
VERTIÈRES - Napoleon the Enslaver, Surrenders to Hayti Freedom Fighters Freedom, Equality, or Death At the Battle of Vertières on November 18, 1803, French General Rochambeau of Napoleon's army surrendered to General Janjak Desalin, Hayti's founding father. This article contains the video recording of our 19th annual Vertières Teach-in to celebrate the Haytian victory,Hayti fight song that sustained the Hayti freedom warriors, along with French's Act of Surrender.
Ezili and Desalin, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, October 22, 2023
UN Reports Will Not Tell You Its Role in US-led Corruption, Violence And Crimes Against Humanity in Haiti The UN Report Will Not Tell You Its Role in US-led Corruption, Violence And Crimes Against Humanity in Haiti. This Ezili Danto video tells The Haiti Story the Media Won't Tell You
Ougan Zaza, Mèt Lakou Bwa Kayiman, From Uploaded
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 12, 2022
Hayti Revolution Reflections: The Resistance Speaks #FreeHaiti celebrates 231th Anniversary of Vodun War Council and Ceremony which began Hayti Revolution. Teach-in events will broadcast on Zoom and live on FB on August 14, 16 and 21, 2022 from 12 to 3pm EST. Join us.
Woman Kako fighter, From Uploaded
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 27, 2022
The Haiti Resistance 1915 to 2022 Haiti Resistance, the Kako and Charlemagne Pe'ralte, 1915 to 2022 * "The Jane Crow mothers of Jim Crow men like Craige are replicated, in the Helen Lalime (UN), Michelle Sison (US veteran diplomatic corp) & Samantha Powers (USAID) colonists,to help rape Hayti today.But they blithely launch themselves in peoples faces, everyday,in doublespeak to assure you they are neutral ambassadors & humanitarians (who "love" the natives.)
Èzili for Island of Dominica on Vertieres 2020, From Uploaded
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, December 4, 2020
We've Seen Biden and Democrats Build Back Better Already! Been there, done that: Seen it already! We've Seen Joe Biden and the Democrat's Build Back Better Already! - Voting Rights Within a Profit-Over-People Slavetocracy is not Change
Fauci Came for The Haitians First, From InText
(18 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, April 26, 2020
I remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci gave disease a Black face "First, Fauci & Co. came for the Haitians and you did not speak out. 30-years later, drunk on their uncontested world rampages, where perpetual sickness means humongous profits, they've come for you! #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Faucifraud" ---Èzili Dantò of HLLN/FreeHaiti, April 20,2020
Use What's In Your Hands, From InText
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 21, 2019
The Truth About the Haiti Uprising the Media Won't Tell You The article details the central role of the Core Gang of Western Ambassadors and local white oligarchs in Haiti the media won't tell you about. The Haiti Protests are about ending the corrupt Neocolonial system and bringing the terrorists ambassadors and white oligarchs to justice. It's not simply a struggle between Jovenel Moise the establishment president and his political rivals or fuel shortage. There's a bigger picture.
Inside Story US Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti: Tasneem Interviews Ezili Danto for the Dustin Nemos channel, From Uploaded
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 7, 2019
Inside Story of U.S. and Serb Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Èzili Dantò on the inside story about the 5 U.S. Mercenaries and 2 Serbs arrested in Haiti on weapons charges and conspiracy to commit crimes that you won't get in the mainstream or alternative media.
The indomitable, Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 6, 2018
Aretha Franklin's Homegoing Celebrations Captured What's Right and Wrong With Black America Aretha Franklin's homegoing service brought out all the great legends.It was a musical celebration fit for queen of soul.But Coonville who revere the Clintons were also there. Mercifully Obama wasn't in attendance. Still, the Coonery there didn't let Minister Farrakhan speak. Worst, on full display, was Coonville's sexism, misogyny & inappropriate patriarchy. Aretha's homegoing captured what is right & wrong with Black America
Èzili Dantò, From ImagesAttr
(21 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 14, 2017
Black males get smeared and falsely prosecuted: Harvey Weinstein gets a 30-year cover-up Black males get smeared, falsely prosecuted.Harvey Weinstein gets 30-year cover up. A comprehensive look how Hollywood works with Deep State glorify profit over people,narratives for cultural imperialism that hide inner depravities like Harvey Weinstein's rapes of young actresses.Pedophilia in Hollywood is open secret.It's not just young white women who are getting exploited for sex.Food for sex (RAPE) in Haiti also w/impunity
United Nations Rape in Haiti, From ImagesAttr
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, April 16, 2017
Haiti Reacts to Extension of UN Force and Petitions the UN Security Council On UN and UN Sex Rings Haiti reacts to Reorganizing UN-MINUSTAH, the Coming of MINUJUSTH - (the new "Minus Justice" UN force)& Media Manipulations. Haiti corrects the untruth in the UN resolution 2350 that called the corrupt, destabilizing and murdering UN-MINUSTAH mission a success and stabilizing force in Haiti. Haiti Petition Address Victim Relief Necessary Because of UN Rape, Pedophilia, Forced Prostitution and Sex-Slavery Rings in Haiti
Ezili Danto on The Stream - Sexually abused by aid workers Part I and II, From ImagesAttr
(12 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 4, 2017
By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of National Groups Ezili HLLNetwork Challenge for United Nations So-Called New "Zero Tolerance" Task Force. UN forces in Haiti commit heinous crimes & rape against helpless women & children with mostly total impunity. It must end. They're vectors of not just rape & violence, but diseases. This article addresses the censorship as a follow-up to the Al Jazeera interview on UN aid workers Sexual Abuse.
The Clintons Looted while Haiti Suffered, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 28, 2017
Obama Legacy in Haiti: The Swamp For Trump To Drain Haiti wish for a new US-Haiti partnership with President Trump Stop the Jovenel Moise electoral coup d'etat. President Trump must keep his promise to champion the people of Haiti by telling Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that their parting gift to Haiti shall remain un-open: No more accused criminals for president of Haiti
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 14, 2017
Colonialism in Haiti - Guy Philippe and Jovenel Moise Èzili talks on the Donald Trump win; Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's terrible colonialism in Haiti; the Democratic party failures; the corrupt Jovenel Moise fake 2017 election; and Guy Philippe, a former US-backed warlord arrested on US drug charges.
Hurricane Mattthew Giant Skull Hit Haiti, From ImagesAttr
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Hurricane Matthew, Weather Warfare, Haiti, HAARP, Katrina Perpetual Haiti crisis, psychological warfare about poor, pitiful Haiti distracts the public from the US occupation behind humanitarian imperialism; conveniently provides international thieves with more pretext to collect monies, ride out economic recession off Haiti Black bodies. Distract the world from just how rich in oil ($120 billion), priceless iridium, gold ($40bil),copper($8b)wealth of Haiti being carted out since 2004
Ezili Danto, From ImagesAttr
(11 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 22, 2016
Ezili's Haiti Message to Donald Trump Team Under Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton at the State Department and Bill Clinton as UN Special Envoy to Haiti, thirty percent of Haiti territory was taken by foreigners. Free Haiti's interest converges with that of Donald Trump. We both do not want a third Obama term with the Clintons back in the White House.
Butchers of Haiti in the 21st century, From ImagesAttr
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 8, 2016
While Haiti Suffered Clinton and Pals Cashed In Says Donald Trump "Hillary Clinton was using the State Department to dole out special favors and access to her friends and donors. It's called, "Pay-for-Play." --- Donald Trump, Greenville, North Carolina, Sept. 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton preyed on Haiti. The earthquake weakened the victims and she used her power to crush them some more dressed as "savior" at the Obama State Department.
Brave Beyonce Channels the Warrior Mother, From ImagesAttr
(52 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 14, 2016
On Beyonce's In_Formation Day, Haiti revelers celebrate Slaying Carnival King America's most powerful artist dressed her dancers in Afros and Black Panther leather outfits and got in (Malcom) X formation, Black fists raised up. She straight-up channeled Èzili Dantò-"Petwo womb blood in trouble waters"-with centuries of warrior-mother battles behind her. Banm sèt kout kouto - bring it! She twirls off all haters. Used her huge megaphone to say, "what happened after Katrina" & "Stop shooting us" & more.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 8, 2016
Martelly Leaves in Disgrace: A Great Day For People Power Against Overwhelming Forces 30 years ago on February 7, 1986, the people of Haiti had a victory almost as big as today. The people took down the US-sponsored Duvalier dynasty dictatorship and sent Jean Claude Duvalier into exile. Today,we honor victims of empire&took down the Martelly neoDuvalierist.It's not a grim day as Reuters &the rest of corporate media would have you believe.It's a great day for people power.What's next? Haiti will be DEMARTELIZED!
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 28, 2016
Obama's War Against the First Black Republic The imperial bloodbath is escalating again.Because Haitian people have,mostly with peaceful means, stopped the US-sponsored fake elections of Aug 9, Oct 25th and all its scheduled run-offs. They demand that Martelly leave office when his term is up on Feb. 7th, if not before. Local stakeholders set a transitional means for the people to hold free,fair&inclusive elections without foreign interference. But Empire won't back off.

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