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Frank J. Ranelli is an independent scholar, skeptic and critic, author and essayist. His erudite and iconoclastic style of provocative writing has been extensively published in a variety of news outlets and across the Internet. These include the Naples Daily News, The Online Journal, Information Clearing House, Alternet, The Smirking Chimp, and the former progressive journal of thought, Wicked Philosophy.
SHARE Friday, June 17, 2011 Theistic Bigotry: The Reality of Denying Fantasy
While religionists in the U.S. continue to enjoy a privileged status for their unfounded beliefs, unbelievers face increasing acts of life-altering prejudice and discrimination by America's pious.
(12 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 22, 2010 On The Immorality of Christianity
The languid success of logic and facts to dislodge believers from their mistaken beliefs, calls for a new course in the claim for morality's mantle; religion fails humanity on ethics.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 16, 2010 When Religion's Apologists Attack!
As religion and its sycophants continue to crumble under the weight of science and reason, its exponents have dialed up the polemics and the deceit.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 3, 2009 Renowned Skeptic Michael Shermer: Deist or Just Disingenuous?
Dr. Michael Shermer, a world-renowned skeptic and self-proclaimed atheist, recently, in perhaps an act of atonement or appeasement, stunningly declared, “Religion and evolution can live side by side.†Has the once-luminary defender of skepticism, recast his lot with religion and thereby reclaimed his erstwhile lost Ichthys?
SHARE Friday, October 30, 2009 Race-Baiting or Race to the Bottom?
America has reached a new nadir in its pitiful ability to welcome a secular, ethnically diverse civilization, and embrace post-racial politics, not bi-racial antics and polemics.
(8 comments) SHARE Friday, October 3, 2008 Palin Delivers during VP Debate (And We All Saw It.)
Part II of my contrarians view as to why and how Sarah Palin was able to delivery for the McCain camp and reinvigorated the base once again.
SHARE Monday, September 29, 2008 Bush's Great Bailout is Merely Fear Du Jour
Bush's bail out of Wall Street is a leap into Robber Baron-style tyranny. Congress must reject this absolutist, radical proposal outright. Rewarding bad behavior on Wall Street, by theft of money obtained through taxpayers on Main Street, is more than perverse it is an insidious act of vile turpitude.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, August 22, 2008 Just who is Chet Edwards?
The Obama Democratic Veepstakes is approaching a frenetic and feverish pitch. Is it Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, or even Hillary Clinton? Surprisingly, and perhaps to the dismay of many progressives, liberals, and democratic voters the answer may be a resounding, "No."
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 29, 2008 New Orleans vs. Iraq: If Only it was Just Billions
The Bush Iraq and Afghanistan wars will cost the U.S. $2.4 trillion, but some fiscal conservatives and anti-tax crusaders are still fixated on derailing the billions of dollars requisite to restore a city lost to Bush's incompetence and hubris – the city of New Orleans.
(15 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 20, 2008 George Bush's Approval Rating Plummets to Just 19%
Clearly voicing their discontent for George W. Bush, Americans are now reaching historic levels of undisputed antipathy for America's 43rd President. A new poll has Bush breaking a new nadir in presidential approval ratings, beating out Harry Truman's 22% for the lowest support among Americans in the nation's history.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 14, 2008 McCain Votes Against Banning Waterboarding, but Claims it is "Illegal"
Senator John McCain, the erstwhile prisoner of war, whose previous vehement opposition to torture stemmed from years of torment at the hands of the North Vietnamese, has voted against banning waterboarding while claiming it is illegal.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Hillary Must Be the Right Women President, not Just a Woman President
Barack Obama has registered ten straight caucus and primary victories, taking the inevitability out of Hillary Clinton's campaign to win the White House. Many older female voters are now dismayed at the likely prospect of never seeing a woman president in their lifetime. But, is it Clinton's gender or her politics that has sparked Obama's incendiary ascent to front-runner status?
(48 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Independent Study Finds Bush "Unequivocally" Lied U.S. into War with Iraq
In perhaps the most complete and damning evidence yet that President Bush deceived a nation into a baseless war, a nonprofit collaboration of two independent organizations has concluded that President Bush used at least 532 misleading and deceptively false statements to justify military action against Iraq.
SHARE Monday, January 14, 2008 Does Chris Matthews have a problem with women?
Is Chris Matthews of MSNBC waging a hostile, chauvinist's agenda against Hillary Clinton and women? His abject track record against women says, "Yes." It's time to end the misogyny of Matthews.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, October 15, 2007 Bush administration was either incompetent or is guilty of malfeasance
George Bush has been likely caught in another lie, another cover up, and another scandal. One that may debunk his entire justifications for violating FISA, or worse yet, show that the 9/11 attacks were not prevented due to gross incompetence!
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 4, 2007 The Fading of America: Failing our children, funding a president's war
Is anyone else feeling the intense hypocrisy, the thick, cold heartlessness of denying the cries of defenseless children? George W. Bush, just days after heretically eulogizing Monday as "Child Health Day", turned around silently and glibly vetoed a bill to aid millions of children through subsidized healthcare. The insincerity is more than real; it is now potentially lethal to millions of vulnerable children.