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Bob Portune

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After 25 years as a Post-Production Specialist in the greater New York/New Jersey area, Bob recently relocated to Orlando to continue his editorial business and begin Art Directing high-end commemorative magazines. He's been extensively involved in television campaigns for The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, Partnership for a Drug-Free America, The Nation Magazine, Senator John Kerry, Congressman Edward Markey, and the Democratic National Committee. Bob also writes "unfortunately sporadic" commentary at his blog, The Hue and Cry, which he bills as "a call to arms for competence, intelligence, and accountability in American society."


OpEd News Member for 976 week(s) and 1 day(s)

15 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 7 Comments, 0 Diaries, 0 Polls

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Still focused on the trees... Yesterday's Supreme Court decision to uphold the FCC ban of the use of "fleeting" expletives on broadcast TV may have its merits. But it implicitly ignores something far more insidious that permeates the American airwaves than the occasional F-bomb or ED commercial.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing A Shameful Debate The "T"-word is on everyone's lips these days. And no, I don't mean TARP or teabagging, terrorism or taxes. I'm of course referring to torture, and to the unthinkable contention by many (primarily on the Right) that it is not only justified and defensible, but a practice that should be allowed to continue unabated in the name of "national security."
Saturday, September 13, 2008 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing The "P"-word Let's steer the national conversation back to the fact that this contest is between Barack Obama and John McCain. Between a detailed plan of hope and change, and a platform promising even more domestic intolerance and global belligerence. Between an optimistic future and a shameful past...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 SHARE More Sharing Opening the door Dennis Kucinich has finally opened the door. It's up to us to insist that our representatives in Washington walk through it with him.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing 75 Percent A recent New York Times/CBS News poll finds that "among Republicans, 75 percent approve of [Bush's] job performance, and by overwhelming numbers they approve of his handling of foreign policy, the war in Iraq and the management of the economy." Has the time finally come to seriously consider a "Biden plan" here at home?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 SHARE More Sharing Dick Cheney's 40-Year Plan Of all the eyebrow-raising statements that have gushed forth from Administration officials over the past week (and there have been quite a few), there's one which stands out to me as the most telling and terrifying of all. Not surprisingly, it's also the one that seems to be receiving the least national attention.
Friday, January 12, 2007 SHARE More Sharing A Question of Credibility Given the Bush Administration's track record on... well, on just about everything so far, how can any intelligent human being think that the President might just be right this time around?
Thursday, January 4, 2007 SHARE More Sharing Pipe Dream See any of the MSM's "coverage" of today's Congressional power-shift? Looks like it's still up to the Progressive blogosphere to make sure that the change of direction demanded by voters in November doesn't get spun, or co-opted, or misrepresented, or lost completely in what promises to be a continuing stream of absurdly deferential - and conservatively biased - reporting.
Sunday, December 24, 2006 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Denial There's no room for madness in the White House (sounds ridiculously redundant, doesn't it, when you say it out loud). The stakes are too high, the real human consequences almost unbearable to imagine. Yet anyone so blithely ensconced in denial as the man we heard at the podium Wednesday, is surely mad - and simply unfit for command any longer.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 SHARE More Sharing Thousands Of Words We've seen a lot lately in praise of the American voter, and his or her common-sense rejection of the Conservative agenda. But with seven more states adopting same-sex marriage bans last Tuesday, those accolades are more than a little unwarranted.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 SHARE More Sharing Tony Snow; Liberal Secret Weapon Tony Snow may be the single greatest weapon in the Liberal arsenal, providing an accurate daily portrait of the disingenuous fantasy world inhabited by the Bush Administration for all to see.
Friday, September 8, 2006 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Texas Torquemada After years of international and domestic outrage, court decisions, and even bi-partisan Congressional condemnation, the Bush Administration continues to publicly and officially support torture. It's just that simple...
Tuesday, August 1, 2006 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing A Perpetual Cycle of Revenge Today, as on most days since Al Qaeda's surprise attacks on the U.S. five years ago, my thoughts turn to war. Not any war in particular - and there are certainly more than enough from which to choose - but rather, the insanity of war in general.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing A Subtle Barbarity The death of Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi will certainly not be mourned by the victims or future targets of his particular brand of terrorism. Still, the way in which the image of his mutilated corpse has been publicly paraded by our media - and openly celebrated by our citizenry - is a sad commentary on the character of a nation that fancies itself "morally superior" to its enemy...
Friday, June 9, 2006 SHARE More Sharing A Simple Challenge A scathing, satirical "challenge" to Conservative opponents of same-sex marriage.

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