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Gianni Ortiz

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Gianni Ortiz is a Commercial and Residential Realtor, in upstate New York. Among other avocations, she is a journalist who focuses on farm to plate, political, and independent media issues and writes for several magazines on environmental, political and social justice issues. She has been a life long activist for Human and Animal Rights and food quality. She is part of several national and regional grassroots political action groups. Also a strong believer that democracy as a contact sport and that the internet is the last stand for free conversation and truly democratic action and that we need to keep it that way.

OpEd News Member for 870 week(s) and 2 day(s)

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SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Day 'Hxpx' Became a Dirty, Four Letter Word Hopeful Obama supporter after being sold out to big brother by the incompetent Democratically controlled House and Senate.

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