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SHERMAN YELLEN, screenwriter, playwright, and lyricist was nominated for a Tony Award for his book for the musical, The Rothschilds. His screenwriting has won him two Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award, for his drama John Adams, Lawyer - in the PBS series The Adams Chronicles, and for An Early Frost, a groundbreaking drama about AIDS in America. His Beauty and the Beast with George C. Scott was nominated for an Emmy and won the Christopher Award. Yellen received a lifetime achievement award in Arts and Letters from Bard College.
As an observer of contemporary American life, Sherman believes it is the obligation of artists to speak out against the erosion of our democracy during these troubling times. His blog is shermanyellen.blogspot
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, February 20, 2012 On Rising Eighty: Surprised by Age and by a Wonderful Year
Octogenerian Sherman Yellen celebrates the good fortune & abundant gifts of octogenerian Sherman Yellen. Attention must be paid, as Willy Lohman put it.
(13 comments) SHARE Tuesday, February 3, 2009 History is a Lousy Judge, Condoleezza
I grabbed the remote, pressed the power button and before you can say CNN or MSNBC I came upon the estimable ladies of "The View." The featured guest was Condoleezza Rice on her way back to Stanford and her teaching career, smiling, self-assured, fulfilled, (she had been to London to play for the Queen) and who like Edith Piaf, claims that she "Regrets nothing."
SHARE Friday, October 31, 2008 Scattered Gunshot: Shooting Voters From A Helicopter
What I see in the Palin candidacy is only fear: the decision of a frightened candidate, John McCain, desperate to appeal to the lowest fears of the voters by selecting a rabble rousing, sarcastic, street-fighter, an expert in demonizing her opponents – who better than one who went to her local church to have her personal demons exorcised by a witch doctor?
SHARE Thursday, October 9, 2008 SOS: McCain to bin Laden -- Where is that Video You Promised Me?
The McCain campaign has probably bought some air-time to run before the election to give a bin Laden message its viral intensity. Time to frighten everyone who lives in the heartland and might be thinking of voting for Barack.
SHARE Monday, September 29, 2008 SOS: McCain to bin Laden – Where's that Video You Promised Me?
the heart of darkness that is the McCain campaign, we know what they are waiting for their last and best hope, the late October video from Osama threatening to "Bomb, bomb, bomb you Christian-Jewish dogs." We've been there. Done that. And since 9/11, it has always worked for the Republican candidate. The Obama campaign had better be ready to push back .
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 4, 2008 IS SARAH PALIN SATAN?
I never wanted to write this. I hoped against hope that I was mistaken. And who am I to malign an innocent woman? A mother of five? The Governor of a great state? But after watching Sarah Palin at the RNC Convention there is no way of suppressing the obvious conclusion. Sarah Palin is Satan's handmaiden, if not in fact, Satan herself.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 4, 2008 A Reply from Zip Code 10021 to John McCain's Desperate Letter
John McCain warns me that if the "Obama Democrats have their way, government spending will skyrocket as they implement government run health care and resurrect their entire portfolio of the failed welfare state programs."
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 20, 2008 McCain - The Photo-Shopped Candidate
The Republicans have photo-shopped John McCain's past so that all we see in the picture is a noble POW – a story so embedded in his mythology that nobody will ever be able to get to the full truth.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Russert Mania!
ad to say, Mr. Russert was just a more genial version of the mainstream press "" another guy who failed to do his job properly, but failed while looking jolly which helped make his failure appear to be a success.
SHARE Thursday, May 22, 2008 A Letter to Two Wives
The letter I write below is to Michelle Obama, and to Cindy Hensley McCain, and I'm not the kind of guy to run off with either of your husbands. No Addie Ross me. But one of you will discover what it is to be deeply disappointed and sadly surprised this year, when your beloved spouse loses the big one and disappoints your hopes for him, and yourself.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, February 1, 2008 My Heart Belongs to Hillary But I'm Voting for Obama
After vacillating between Hillary and Obama, why have I decided to vote for Obama in the New York primary come Tuesday?
Three little words. Hillary's war vote. The more I ponder it the more I find it not just a run-of-the-mill misjudgment, it was a catastrophic blunder, one that has stripped our country of its moral authority, nearly destroyed our economy, and most important, cost hundreds of thousands of human live
SHARE Wednesday, May 9, 2007 George W-- The Lord of Misrule
But it is the role of our Lord of Misrule to embellish the truth until it becomes a lie, and tell lies until they appear as the truth, all in the name of ignoring the Constitution and consolidating power. That is the role that W has played during his reign of terror.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 25, 2007 George W. Bush - The Salesman of Death
Never has America had a leader who is so incorruptible, because there is nothing in George Bush that could be corrupted. To corrupt someone implies that they begin with some virtue, and it was difficult to think of any virtue known to man possessed by this President.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 11, 2007 FIght 'Em Here or Fight 'em There? Those Little Right Lies
Anyone who listens to right wing radio, Tony Snow, or Bush-Cheney, in other words anyone who is on a strict diet of lies, has heard the latest rationale for the Iraq war, one which is now repeated endlessly. If we don't fight "˜em there ..." in Iraq ..." we will be fighting "˜em here in the streets of America.
SHARE Monday, October 30, 2006 Aunt Liddy, Cousin Lynne and Auntie Laura: Our Republican Women Warriors
what do we make of a Laura Bush, our favorite gentlewoman, the bookish Aunt who advises us to "read, children, read"? Why is she still supporting her husband's intransigent and deadly policies in Iraq that every day kill more of our young soldiers? Why is she standing by her man when that man is destroying the American democracy she claims to cherish?
We all suspect that she knows better.
SHARE Wednesday, October 4, 2006 GOP Vampires and Repedophiles
Henry Kissinger? Henry K? Were you surprised when Bob Woodward reported that our former Secretary of Mistake was now advising President Bush in secret on the Iraq war? No? Well, neither was I. I was prepared for the return of Henry K by the movies of my youth. As a Bela Lugosi fan - for those born too late he was the Dracula or all Draculas - Kissinger cannot die and lives on the blood of the healthy young.
SHARE Thursday, September 14, 2006 How America got Moused by the Right
I worked as a writer for the The Disney Organization in those days when it was a place where people asked themselves "What would Walt do if he was alive today?" And the answer was always steer to the right -the far right.
Walt would have shaped history to favor his Republican cronies, and distorted, if he could not ignore, history that gave his side a black mark.