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Ruth Matheny

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Ruth is the co-founder with Mary Ann Gould of the CoalitionforVotingIntegrity.org, a nonpartisan organization headquartered in historic Bucks County, serving all of Pennsylvania. We call on Americans of all parties to join together and support the adoption of a system of checks and balances that ensures the integrity of our elections, guaranteeing that every vote is recorded, counted, and reported accurately . . . with proof. The vote belongs to us. It is up to us to preserve, protect and defend it. Now.


OpEd News Member for 964 week(s) and 5 day(s)

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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 27, 2008
Pollwatcher Toolkit Coalition for Voting Integrity presents the following pollwatcher toolkit,designed for use with touchscreen machines in Pennsylvania but can be adapted and expanded for other states and optical scanners.
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, April 28, 2008
Do you have a Report of Problems on Pennsylvania's Primary Day? Please Report Any Problems You Encountered on Primary Day Coalition for Voting Integrity is collecting stories from all Pennsylvania counties.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 30, 2006
BEV HARRIS guest ,Voice of the Voters Radio Show TONIGHT BEV HARRIS guest, Voice of the Voters Radio Show TONIGHT www.wnjc.com Topic - What have we learned? Who owns our Democracy? And what's next?
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 13, 2006
WIthin A Stone's Throw of The LIberty Bell Stand up and be counted as we protect our vote, our democracy and our right to representational governance... for you, for your children and grandchildren. To survive the massive, nationwide onslaught on our vote, this democracy needs you!

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