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Carmen Yarrusso, a software engineer for 35 years, designed and modified computer operating systems (including Internet software). He has a BS in physics and studied game theory and formal logic during his years with the math department at Brookhaven National Lab. He lives in New Hampshire and often writes about uncomfortable truths.
(49 comments) SHARE Monday, May 16, 2016 Lesser of Two Evils Vote is Counterproductive and Morally Corrupt
If you vote for Clinton as the lesser of two evils, you're compromising your moral values, you're condoning the Democratic Party's shoddy treatment of millions of progressives, and you're sabotaging future real change. You're virtually guaranteeing the Democratic Party elites will put you in this position again and again.
(10 comments) SHARE Monday, February 8, 2016 Hillary Clinton's Deliberate Deceit
Hillary Clinton has no trouble lying to further her political goals. It's no wonder most of the public rates her dishonest.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Criminalize Political Lies or Civilization Dies
It's a serious crime to falsely yell, "fire" in a crowded theatre. It's a serious crime to lie to our government. It's past time to make it criminal when our government lies to us.
(12 comments) SHARE Wednesday, February 12, 2014 An Elegantly Simple Way to Revolutionize Government
Our politicians sell deception to special interests because deception fools the masses. If we could expose deception, its value would plummet and big money in politics would dry up.
(11 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Top Ten Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Now
The drug war is a vast, violent government scam.
Like the classic mafia protection racket, our government creates a perpetual problem and then charges us exorbitantly to "protect" us from it.
Marijuana is the linchpin of the drug war. Legalizing marijuana will sound the death knell for this devastating crime against humanity.