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I was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1945, worked as aircraft mechanic for 35 years and moved to Florida from Brooklyn in 2003. My wife and I will celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary this year. Our only son is 41, married and has one daughter, plus his wife has three children from a previous marriage.
I am a political junkie. I fear that both the "net" and TV have ruined our political system with their dedication to the lowest common denominator. I also fear the hate-mongers who spew e-mails filled with hate, lies and distortions, because I know how little research the recipients of the e-mails do. Worst of all are the book peddlers who write lies and then go on national TV to sell their books.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 29, 2010 "The US wasn't ready for a Major Oil Spill"
How Conservatives are calling the BP Fiasco "Obama's Katrina" while not biting either their tongues or cheeks.