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EARLY 50's BOOMER:Leo.Decidedly heterosexual & available
EDUCATION;Roman Catholic grade & college-prep, Roncalli High '69, Honors grad, Triple Distinction,National Forensic League.BA: Theatre Univ.WY ''75 Outstanding Theatre Senior & "Who's Who Among American College & University Students" Key roles:Romeo ('72 Pueblo, Reprised U.WY, '74'),Julio (Paint Your Wagon),Orphan, Judd (Oklahoma),Sebastian (Twelfth Night), Orphan (Celebration), Joe Boyd/Hardy (Damn Yankees)
MFA TECH.THEATRE '85 Scenic design,UNC Ch.Hill. Res.Master Scenic Artist, Drama Dept.,Playmakers Rep CREDO:Roman Catholic,Judæo Christian,Buddhist.OCCUPATIONS, SKILLS: Writer,Theatre professor,actor,singer, composer,lyricist,playwright,oped opportunist
RENNAISSANCE:Ongoing, September of years
WORKS PUBLISHED, RECORDED C.1978-2012:"Waltzing with Eternity" (pioneer opus re: suicide,conflicting sexuality,divorce in '80s,spiritual epiphany & landmark moments & life passages."A Summer for Verona" (Play within play)JAZZ LYRICS, SHEILA LANDIS:"Goin' Through the Motions (of Love),Lonely One, Nightwalkin', Paper World"
GREEN MOUNTAIN GUILD:(orig.music,lyrics)"Story of Fairyfoot, Christmas Cuckoo, Midas Touch, Empty Drum, (Commedia) The Miser", POETRY, PROSE: "Shadow of the Candle's Flame "(metaphysical, Kabala based) SKILLS: Welder,carpenter,sculptor,meatpacker,steelworker,lifeguard
VOCAL:Decades privately trained,cantor,choral,musical comedy,Catholic liturgical,Jazz & Swing lover: Can do Sinatra like "Chairman of the Board"
ETHNICITY;Siciliano,Molisane,Napolitano(da Provincia Salerno-Italia Settentrionale)GENEALOGY:back 1700s via civil records.LINGUAL:Literacy, conv. Italian, reading.
NATURE:Amiable,gracious,welcoming kindred souls.By nature a romantic, believing in love at first sight:"falling in love" not so easy as "standing in love!"MUSIC: Adapted Neapolitan Italian songs to English to faithfully elucidate,not change intent.
BELIEFS:All God's creatures,large/small here to bring joy & truth.Fight for right, not just one's self, but for ALL people-particularly downtrodden.
INTERESTS, PROFICIENCIES:Gourmet cuisine, Italian history/genealogy/ Langu.
CHARACTER:Trustworthy,unless experience proves vain
AFFIRMATAIONS:"I have all that I need to be happy"&"What goes around DEFINITELY comes around!;"We all somehow seek a path, return to God,however Deity concieved.
MANTRAS,CORE VALUES:"What you think,what do,what you say, every day-you become!" Free will, study of philosophies & religions lead me to conclusion all people brothers & Golden Rule applies!
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, October 5, 2012 Election 2012: Shall Evil Triumph?!
Election 2012, Democrats, Republicans, Government by the money,Nancy Pelosi, House of Representatives, Senate, MSNBC Matthews anchor,Presidential Debate, States rights, voter suppression, Rolling Stone online, Economy, politics of fear,deadlock,Florida, Sates rights, Government by money, Special interests, counting the votes, judgment, ethics in goverment, beliefs, effective government, Consencus
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Politics Today - Garbage In And Garbage Out
Politics, Racism, Fear, Colorado, Teapot Party, Federalism, State's Rights, Illegal Immigration,the Constituion, Founding Fathers, English parliamentary system
SHARE Sunday, June 21, 2009 The Bash on B Street
Lifestyle, Pueblo, Colorado, party, psychology, love, sex, alcohol, ethnicity
SHARE Tuesday, June 16, 2009 "The Death of the Audio CD"
Death of audio CD, technology, culture, Pueblo, Dallas,technology, cellular, Cable, AT&T, recording, arts, music
SHARE Friday, February 20, 2009 "Astronomics!$"
Economy, geopolitics, TARP, bail out, debt, credit, government, Bankseconomic crisis, Obama, Lincoln, survival, Darwin
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 14, 2009 "A Brave, New Computer Word!"
Computers, life, art, writing, technology, problem solving, intelligence, testing
SHARE Saturday, February 14, 2009 "A Terrible Vista to Behold!"
Computers, technology, email, family, life, writing, creativity, Bill Gates, Apple, Microsoft, consumers
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 7, 2009 "Say It Ain't So, Bill - Say It Ain't So!"
Governors, economy, real estate, interest rates, wall street, bailout, property taxes, elderly, President Lincoln, disabled, working poor, working
SHARE Saturday, January 17, 2009 "To President Obama"
Tribute, hope, audacity, Jefferson, inspiration, arts, poetry, human condition
SHARE Sunday, December 14, 2008 "A Ghost of Christmas Past"
Christmas, holidays, depression, past, yule joy, joy, acting theater, arts, music, musicals, family, mother father
SHARE Monday, December 8, 2008 "A Day of Infamy - Who Recalls?"
war, repetition, human depravity, WW II, Viet Nam, Iraq, Veterans, Purple heart, heroism, Pueblo CO, heroes
SHARE Saturday, November 29, 2008 "So What, Now What?!"
Economy, bail-out, inflation, history, pay as you go, Galbraith, stagflation, depression, recession, debate, schools, poverty, war on poverty, Viet Nam, Affluent society, silent majority
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 25, 2008 "No Retraction, Only Corrections"
Morality, prejudice,foreign affairs, Palestine, Israel, ethnicity, war, human nature
SHARE Wednesday, November 19, 2008 The ChallengeTo Obama: Human Rights Top the List!"
Human rights, gay, lesbian, equality, domestic affairs, plain talk, Truman, Reagan, Republican Democrat, wconomy, unemployment, international relations, foreign affairs, sexual freedom, interfernce with right, Guantanamo, Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Israel, Russia
SHARE Sunday, November 9, 2008 "When The Fox Is In Charge Of The Chicken Coop!"
Economy, war, Afghanistan, Israel,middle east, economy, bail-out, world economy, foreign affairs, Bush, lies, Republican, Democrat, interest rates,mistakes, allies, Halliburton, interest rates, drugs, Al Quaeda, Bin Lauden,armor, WMD, nuclear proliferation
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 5, 2008 "New Years Day Early"
Obama victory, Pueblo, Colorado, Democrats, Republicans, Obama, McCain, United Stes, World, rainbow coalition, youth vote, elderly, get out the vote, audacity of hope