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(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 1, 2008 Why Don't you like Obama? Is it because he's black?
I believe the primary objection to Barack Obama from conservative rich people is not because of his liberalism or his associations, but because of his skin color.
(3 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 23, 2008 Bob Barr will come into play...
Bob Barr will become a factor come November 4th. Many Republicans will go his way as a protest vote!
SHARE Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Family Tradition PC-13?
Hank Williams lyrics for the McCain campaign rally. What is more amazing? Sarah Palin's double standard position on family values, or believing Hank Williams Jr. didn't come up with a totally nastier version of his remake of Family Traditions?
You know there's a rated X copy sitting on his coffee table...right next to the beer can bong and Bud Lite.