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Michael Shelby

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Michael Shelby is a voting activist in Arizona and a member of Arizona Citizens for Election Reform.

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SHARE More Sharing        Monday, October 16, 2006
Straight from the Shoulder: Go See "Man of the Year" If a 76 year old retired school teacher can get it, well, I think there is hope that lots and lots of audience members going for a Robin Williams giggle will come away with some thoughts about politics, what kind of people we want to run this country, and questions about just how safe are their votes?
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 17, 2006
Designed to Fail... Auditing Elections in Arizona A provision slyly inserted in SB 1557 requires that in order for the audit to be conducted that 72 members from each major political party be made available to do the counting. If even one person doesn't show, if 101 members from one party shows and 71 from another, elections officials are not permitted to proceed with an audit under any circumstance.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 3, 2006
Election Reform or Something Else Entirely? No Easy Answers Here Prop. 205 provides absolutely no security for ballots or a secure chain of custody. the ballots are still going to be counted on the same tabulating machines with all their problems in being calibrated, machine maintenance, and the suspicions that we have no way of knowing if our votes are accurately and honestly counted because the software that runs the machines is still a secret!
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, September 3, 2006
Resisting the Death-Knell of the Republic We have discovered that America is on the brink of losing its freedoms, its identity, its very soul. We carry with us always the knowledge that this 230 year experiment in democracy could actually fail. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but we might be witness to the slow tipping into the abyss of totalitarianism that our children and grandchildren will be made to suffer.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Election Integrity a Priority in the DNC from Tim Carpenter, "What happened here today was important in bringing the grassroots and DNC together to work for election integrity. PDA activists, working with DNC leaders and members, are working to make a difference." Together, America Can Do Better . . .
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Diebold Defrauded the Federal Certification Process The Diebold Company obtained its Federal certifications for their touchscreen voting machines by committing fraud, including withholding information and submitting false documentation. They should be pulled from service.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Give Arizona a Voice at the DNC Two of our Arizona election integrity activists have an opportunity to make a significant impact at the DNC August meeting in Chicago next week. We need money/frequent flyer miles to send them there.

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