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John Brakey

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John R. Brakey is co-founder of Americans United for Democracy, Integrity &
Transparency in Elections.

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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 18, 2010
EMERGENCY LAWSUIT FILED TO FORCE MARICOPA COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT TO FOLLOW THE LAW TO PROTECT UPCOMING ELECTION RES re-election research over the last three weeks (based on the work of AUDIT AZ since 2006) discovered flagrant ILLEGAL violations of Arizona Election Laws.The Maricopa County Elections Department is responsible for the counting 56% of the total votes of the state of Arizona. Thus, subversion of the elections in Maricopa could easily result in changing the election results for the entire state in a statewide election.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Evidence of Election Tampering to be Destroyed by Pima County New information about the planned destruction of the actual paper ballots from the RTA (Regional Transportation Authority) and tax increase election has come to light this week. These ballots are scheduled for destruction by Pima County Treasurer Beth Ford unless immediate action is taken by Attorney General Terry Goddard's office to preserve this important evidence.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Shocking Affidavit regarding Election Tampering in Pima County, AZ Further evidence of tampering with the RTA results has been exposed by a former Pima County employee. He will testify, under oath, that Bryan Crane, election computer operator, feared discovery of the fact that he, at the direction of Elections Director Brad Nelson, had tampered with the data from the RTA election, materially "fixing" the election to approve rather than reject the RTA proposition.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 29, 2007
Updates on the Pima County Election Integrity Case The right of "We THE PEOPLE" to access a computer database is pivotal to the upcoming three day trial, December 4-6, /Pima County Democratic Party vs. the Board of Supervisors. Our elections must rest on verification, NOT blind trust. Until now, no one has been asking questions or holding the election department accountable.Public access to information reduces temptations for insiders to cheat during high stakes elections.
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 2, 2007
Arizona Election Wars: Is Our Vote Secure in Pima County? They've known about the backdoor since 1996:Several Pima County bureaucrats from the very top down have known about the backdoor in our voting system.This odd procedure is not found in the 548 page Diebold's User Guide for our voting software,nor does explain that the system is built upon Microsoft Access.Furthermore,by using MS-Access, in less than a minute;a person could switch election by changing ...
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, May 31, 2007
Fellow Investigators and Patriots: Election Misconduct in Pima County AZ We have Pima County on the run and the local media is waking up. However, the County yesterday asked Judge Michael Miller to stay the case indefinitely until after the completion of a criminal investigation by the Attorney General.I personally fear this is a stalling tactic to keep us from proceeding and colleting more facts that the databases could reveal.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, September 28, 2006
They Secretly Call Themselves "Christocrats" The "Christocrat"'s invasion of the GOP and similarities between what happened in Ohio in 2004 and what's happening in Arizona now.

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