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SHARE Thursday, January 28, 2010 State of the Obama: What if He Told the Truth...
We need to tell the truth and understand what our problem is: shipping good jobs overseas, failure to break up Standard Oil, failure to install rooftop solar power, and failure to fix education. Why not tell the truth?
SHARE Thursday, November 12, 2009 San Diego's failure to treat sewage costs us money
San Diego's refusan to recycle water lends credence to subsidized schemes to recycle seawater, which are likely to cost the rest of us in subsidies and defaulted bonds.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, October 18, 2009 San Diego sewage waiver casts pall over efforts to restore Ocean
San Diego is the last remaining large sewage waiver, allowing dumping of poorly treated sewage into the Ocean. This contradicts and vitiates ongoing efforts to create marine protected areas, to lower human impact on the Ocean, and to restore fisheries and wetlands. Sewage is not good for the Ocean. Inland dischargers follow at least secondary treatment standards; San Diego dumps into the Ocean, out of sight out of mind.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 25, 2009 Resume production of EVs now that Chevron sold control of the batteries
Now that Chevron disgorged control of the Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH)battery needed for plug-in Electric cars, it's time to force auto makers to resume production of proven EVs such as the Toyota RAV4-EV, still running fine almost 7 years after Chevron forced Toyota to stop production.
(9 comments) SHARE Monday, July 13, 2009 Only protective tariffs can bring back real jobs and wealth
Restore protective fees on unfair foreign manufacturing, a sort of "misery tax" that recoups the money saved by oppressing foreign workers.
Thus, there will be no advantage in sweat-shops, no hidden misery in the goods imported legitimately.
SHARE Thursday, June 25, 2009 Big Oil suborns regulators, killing other industries and our health
Electric cars and solar power are here, now, and can solve our economic and pollution problems. But regulators instead bow to Big Oil, instead venting their wrath on small industries that can't afford to defend themselves with lobbyists and contributions.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 27, 2008 Taxpayer money to GMAC finances past failures
Giving money to GMAC, unlike giving money to banks, finances past GM mistakes and bad loans collateralized only by unsaleable gas-guzzlers. Taking GMAC off of GM's books puts it onto the taxpayer, and lets GM off the hook.
GMAC should not be given any money unless GM agrees to resume production and agrees to sell plug-in all-electric cars to the general public.