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57, married, cattle broker for 38 years in MS. President of MS Livestock Markets Association. Member of MS Beef Council.
2nd term Alderman, Pickens, MS. Conducted 2003 cost analysis project for implemintation of Country of Origin Law. 2005 member of CAFTA fact finding team touring 4 Central American nations, participant 2006 Beef Checkoff revision task force, R-CALF USA representative and speaker during the Australian Beef Association 2007 annual convention
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Is US Food Truly Safe? Part 3 The Deceptions
Part 3 in the series Is US Food Truly Safe An attempt to educate the urban community to the plight of the rural community and bring us closer together as citizens of the USA
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 3, 2009 Is US Food Truly Safe? part 1 the problem
Meant as a five part series to highlight the problems of the independent US producer in a globalist economy.