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Susan Guest

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Former VP at Citigroup, BBA, MBA. Currently a whole diet farmer in VA, watching with incredulity the country giving Bush and Obama passes on their war crimes for the past 16 years. We all share responsibility for where we are and need to heal and fix the system that keeps us bitterly divided. On purpose. With purpose. Politically - and personally - I am a voluntaryist and believe no interaction with people, institutions, corporations, nor animal vegetable or mineral, should be coerced by the threat of use of the force of the state. If we threatened and forced children the way we are threatened and forced via the state, it would be considered abuse. And it is. I don't recognize as valid the thinking that 'authority' must be begged for permission to love the person of our choosing, or to ingest food and plants of our choosing, and though I'm not gay or a pot partaker I will defend your rights to the end. 'Freedoms' is a Bushism we all had to pretend was a real word when he made it up. Freedom is singular, and you either are, or you aren't. 'Freedoms' are not things we beg for, one by one, to be bestowed on us from on high. We need to remember our own power and that we are the bosses of our employees. I'm hoping to find the words to help us all.

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(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Things We've Forgotten Remembering what we were taught as children, applying it to politics as adults.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, August 8, 2008
Questions to Ponder as We Hurl Toward November Is the way to fix our broken political system to beg our elected representatives to do it? How's that been working out?
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Ghost of CPI Future
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, September 18, 2006
But He Hasn't Got Anything On!! poses the question of whether there's treason among us, and challenges Americans to think outside the box in order to stop it

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