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Paul Roden is a long time activist DFA & PDA member working for progressive change in America. I am also the point of organizer for PDA, the Progressive Democrats of America in Lower Bucks County. I am a "Neighborhood Leader" or "Victory Precinct Captain" or "VP" for the Democratic Party for the past election cycle in Lower Makefield Township, in Bucks County. I am running in the 2010 Democratic Primary for Committee Person in the South S7th Precinct in Lower Makefield Township, Bucks County PA. I am also a member of the Coalition for Peace Action of Bucks and Montgomery County. I have been trained in nonviolent direct action campaigns, including civil disobedience by George Lakey, George Willoughby and the late William Moyer(not the PBS guy). These three men amoung others who have trained me, worked with Dr. King in the civil rights, anti-Vietnam War, Peace and nuclear disarmament movements. I have been arrested twice at the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant in Montgomery County PA. I believe in democracy and nonviolent action for a more sustainable, just and cooperative world.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 28, 2012 Power Training for Nonviolent Action by George Lakey
This article is about the power and strategic importance of nonviolent training before engaging in civil disobedience or other nonviolent action.