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Ray Tapajna 's Bio and background at http://tapsearch.com/tapartnews/id18.html or see http://www.spoke.com/profiles/RayTapajna?preview
Most of business career was in the computer industry being part of every computer generation and many innovations. Was called upon to resolve disk storage problems nationwide and internationally . Wrote on error recovery codes.
Advocate for workers dignity and fair trade.
Editor and Artist at Tapart News and Art that Talks at
Mobile user friendly summary of articles at http://tapsearchnewsmobile.filetap.com and http://tapsmobileworld.filetap.com
Explore lost worlds in the Globalist Free Trade Flat World at http://tapsearch.com/flatworld
See also http://tapsearch.com/globalization and most popular artwork which is part of more than 5 million search results referenced on Yahoo, Altavista and Goolge is the Clinton Years American Dream Reversed- see http://tapsearch.com/clinton and http://tapsearch.com/backfire
For untold stories behind the news in the global economic arena, see http://www.bizarrepolitics.com featuring series of reviews of The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan and The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.
For a philosophical and religious persfective of Globalization relating to the common good and workers dignity see http:/www.therationale.com/
Blogspot is at http://tapsearch-global.blogspot.com and Ray Tapajna's artwork is certified as BIAM (Bank of International Art Money in Copenhagen Denmark ) at http://www.artmoney.org/user/1801
SHARE Friday, October 14, 2011 This is not a what's right -what's left game. It is not a sports contest.
Let's get to the bottom up issues rather than play a game of what's right - what's left. Pass this on: All free trade agreements must be ratified by a popular vote. We all know how many workers would vote for them.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 27, 2011 We Can't Leave Free Trade Out of the Wall Street Protest
Free trade is the major cause behind our economic crisis. Economies based on making money on money instead of making things are burning out as we wait for the next economic bubble to burst.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, January 2, 2009 Who said we had to compete like this in a global economic arena
Free Trade and Globalization did not evolve in any normal economic fashion but were driven by Big Government, Big Money, Big Media and Big Corporations outside the will of the people with workers having no voice in the process. Economies based on making money on money instead of making things are burning out and the deflation of the value of labor and workers now affects the money products.