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For over 20 years, David has been a banker covering the energy industry for several global banks in New York. Currently, he is working on several journalism projects dealing with corporate and political corruption that, so far, have escaped serious scrutiny by mainstream media. He is trained as a lawyer.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 26, 2021 Glenn Greenwald's Big Lie Campaign About Hunter Biden's Emails
A new book about Hunter Biden's emails doesn't confirm much of anything new. But Glenn Greenwald uses it as a pretext for inventing a vast left wing conspiracy about Big Media, Big Tech, the intelligence services and the Democrats. His technique: The Big Lie.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, July 29, 2013 AEI's FHA Disinformation Campaign Ignores Basic Finance
How one discredited "mortgage expert" from the American Enterprise Institute launched an ongoing disinformation campaign to destroy a successful government program that helped stabilize the mortgage markets.