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Jim Senter

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Jim Senter is a freelance writer and photographer who lives in an intentional community/farm of 350 acres near Durham, North Carolina called Potluck Farm. The farm folk work towards energy and food self sufficiency. Jim is a member of the Southern Anti-Racist Network Executive Committee and is chair of his Democratic Party precinct committee. He is also active in local anti-nuclear and anti-coal power activities and is President of Potluck Power Company, which sells solar electricity through his local rural electric co-op.

His particular fields of study are:
the historical ecology of the Outer Banks of NC
the political economy and history of the Great Depression
the economic history of the utility industry in the USA
economic history as a way to cut through the lies of mainstream economic theory

Jim was born in New Orleans and has family still living in Katrinaville. He started college at the University of Colorado, Boulder and finished at College of the Atlantic, in Bar Harbor Maine, with a stint working with Japanese Buddhist monks in the effort to close the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant outside of Denver in between.

He is also an auxiliary member of the United Steel Workers Union

OpEd News Member for 822 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Barons of Bankruptcy Strike Again CEOs taking extravagant bonuses while the corporations they run go bankrupt is not a new problem. This article explores the reasons why, and what we can do about it.

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