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Kyle Griffith

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Let's take the turtle off the fence post. The turtle is the 99% and the fence post is artificial scarcity and a climate of fear.

My main activity on the Internet right now is running the "Comparing Beliefs" Forum on the "Innersence" Yuku Community. This is intended to be a large, Web discussion venue where members representing a wide variety of belief systems can explain exactly what they believe and why, and respond to questions and comments from other members. CB is NOT intended to be a Forum where members try to persuade other members to change their beliefs (advocacy) or to win arguments (debate).

There are lots of Web discussion groups devoted to advocacy and debate, and the CB Forum is intended to move in an entirely different direction. The available evidence gathered by psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists indicates that very few people ever change their beliefs as a result of being "argued into it". If they are willing to take such arguments seriously, they have ALREADY made a decision to change their beliefs and are simply looking for something to change them TO. However, it's obvious that people in this state of mind are better-served by simple EXPLANATIONS of other people's beliefs, without advocacy being in the mix at all.

The definition of "beliefs" being used on CB is a very inclusive one. It includes not only beliefs usually labeled as "religious" or "spiritual", but also beliefs commonly categorized as "philosophical", "ethical" "social", or "ideological". This definition also includes both "faith-based" and "rational" beliefs, because discriminating between the two is itself a subjective value judgment, even if "true believers" in rationalism refuse to admit this. Another facet of this is the postulate that "art" and "science" are not rivals, but partners: all human creative activities contain elements of both, whether the people involved consciously realize this or not.

Here is the URL:


I also run the Revolutionary Spritualism Yuku Community, which contains extensive archives of my writings on the Spiritual Revolution and the Information Revolution, including a complete copy of my 1988 book "War in Heaven" posted as forum messages, and a large amount of information I've channeled since then. There are also Forums for discussions of these subjects in real time. The URL is:



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(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, October 30, 2010
There May Still Be Hope for the World, but NOT for the USA While people in all of the more civilized countries and quite a number of the "emerging" nations are signing this petition, it looks like we Americans are about to go to the polls and take a big step backwards, AWAY from joining the movement to save the world. So I'd like to know how many of the people reading this clicked on the link, how many signed the petition, and a brief summary of why or why not...
(8 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Extreme Center The "extreme center" concept is simply the idea that people who believe in constructive compromise on political, economic, social, and spiritual controversies should have a sense of identity similar to that of people who share a common ideology. This practice of "militant moderaton" gives higher priority to checks and balances on all forms of power than it gives to choosing how the power is used: common sense over ideology.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Deepwater Gusher -- A Plausible Solution I have finally seen a suggestion for controlling the leak in BP's Deepwater Horizon Well that's both technologically likely to succeed and possible to attempt in the present political envrionment. If President Obama orders BP to try this procedure and it works, they will both look good, and if it fails, it will NOT make trying other methods more difficult or delay trying them.
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Obama: Axe the "Guillotine" IMO, it's time for all progressive-minded Americans to put pressure on the Obama Administration to have the US government take complete charge of stopping the SpillGate Leak and minimizing the ever-increasing environmental destruction it is causing. A good start would be to curtail all top-down efforts to stop the leak, stop using dispersants, and bring in tankers to pump up as much oil as possible.
(10 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 9, 2010
Spill Gate -- Another Chernobyl? BP's explanation for the gulf oil rig blow-up reminds me VERY much of the explanation for the Chernobyl disaster. IMO, President Obama should immediately order the capping of all deep water oil wells on U.S. territory, and also nationalize all BP operations in this country.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 25, 2010
Obamacare -- Rx for "Change and Hope"? The name "Obamacare" was originally coined as a pejorative by enemies of the President's proposed health care bill, but now that it has become Law, it seems wise for progressives to start calling it by that name. If the present deeply flawed law is going to get amended into the kind of health care reform Americans really need and deserve, the President is going to have to continue to work vigorously on this from now on in.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 9, 2009
An Open Letter to Rep. Bobby Bright I keep hearing rumors that Rep. Bobby Bright is a "Blue Dog" Democrat who might qualify as a "centrist populist" candidate for higher office. So here are four "hard questions" I'd like him to answer in public to help me decide if he deserves the support of ultra-progressives like me. If he ignores these questions, I'll write him off,but if he does answer, his explanations of why he says yes or no should help me decide.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Edges of War United States military policies since the end of the Cold War make more sense if you assume that we have secret military technology that's about half-way between what the government admits we have and the claims of some of the popular conspiracy theory sites. We don't have advanced extraterrestrial technology learned from studying crashed UFO's, but a number of our own inventions are pretty frightening in their own right.
(14 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, May 30, 2009
Truly Balancing the Economy This is my response to OEN's solicitation of proposals on how the economy can be run more progressively. My suggestion is to amend the US Constitution to include a "Bill of Property Rights" which would put effective checks and balances on economic power and end the shallow struggle between "Socialism" and "Capitalism" which now keeps our whole society from functioning both efficiently and justly on all levels.
(4 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Internet Censorship and the Third Inalienable Right Mounting political opposition to specific laws intended to impose censorship on the Net is an obvious first step, but I feel that it's actually more important for all progressive-minded people to advance the Information Revolution on the practical level. In other words, to use the Net for learning, teaching, trade, and negotiation as much as possible, and to resist efforts to stop us from doing these things any way we can....
(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 10, 2009
Could the "Pig Plague" Turn BLACK? If the 2009 Swine Flu virus starts hopping back and forth between swine and human beings,as now appears to be happening, this would turn what a friend of mine facetiously labeled the "Pig Plague" into a global disaster even worse than the "Spanish Flu" of 1918-1919 -- one that might kill the same number of people during a given period of time as the "Black Plague" of the Middle Ages did...
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Men of Pieces The author's comments on a recent Oakland funeral, told from a radical futurist perspective on police-community relations.

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