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Brendan DeMelle is a freelance writer and researcher. He has served as Research Associate for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., researcher for Laurie David and StopGlobalWarming.org and others. He graduated from St. Lawrence University with a BA in Environmental Studies and Sociology in 1998, and began his career with the EPA as an environmental justice advocate in Region 10, before returning to his home state of Connecticut as a Campus Organizer with the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG). From 2000-2005, he served as Corporate Lobbying Analyst and then Legal Analyst with Environmental Working Group, where he worked on the Chemical Industry Archives, nuclear and farm policy. He enjoys kayaking and hiking throughout the Pacific Northwest with his wife Anne.
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, June 25, 2010 Gulf Coast Attorneys File RICO Class Action Lawsuits Against BP
Gulf Coast law firms Levin Papantonio, Eastland Law and others have begun filing a series of civil RICO actions in Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama to hold BP accountable for the false assurances it gave the American people that it could handle a worst-case scenario deepwater oil spill.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, April 30, 2010 Bill Barrett Corp and the Halliburton Loophole Threaten Rockies
The widespread use of hydraulic fracturing to get at hard-to-reach hydrocarbon supplies has lots of folks wondering whether the next fossil fuel disaster might happen in the Rocky Mountains or elsewhere at the hands of the fracking natural gas industry.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 8, 2010 Why is Paul Minor Still Behind Bars?
In a recent unanimous decision, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned federal bribery charges against prominent Mississippi trial attorney Paul Minor, offering a ray of hope that Minor will soon be a free man.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 3, 2009 New Justice Department Policy Signals Hope for Justice in Vieques
A new DOJ policy limiting the use of the national security defense by government agencies in court offers hope for Vieques. The government should immediately retract its foolish sovereign immunity defense in the Vieques case and allow the people of Vieques a fair shake with justice. Better yet, the Justice Department could settle the matter now, allowing for the expedited cleanup and remedies for the island.
SHARE Saturday, June 27, 2009 Obama Must Live Up To Campaign Pledge On Vieques Cleanup
President Barack Obama should instruct his administration to fulfill his campaign pledge to clean up the Navy's toxic mess in Vieques, Puerto Rico, and to help the victims of Vieques who suffer from a suite of health problems caused by the military's 50-plus year bombardment of the island.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, April 10, 2009 Paul Minor Denied Release by 5th Circuit and Justice Department
The 5th Circuit Court and DOJ rejected Paul Minor's release on bond pending the outcome of his appeal. Relying on a previous denial by Rove friend Judge Priscilla Owen (who recused herself from Minor's case last week) the 5th Circuit refused Minor's release on bail, but did suggest that Minor deserves a temporary furlough to visit his dying wife Sylvia. The Obama DOJ should move quickly to support Minor's furlough request.
SHARE Friday, April 3, 2009 A Surprise Recusal and Promising Result in Paul Minor Appeal Hearing
Rove Protege Judge Priscilla Owen's last minute recusal from Paul Minor's appeal hearing April 1st was an unexpected surprise. During the hearing, the DOJ attorney waffled badly in response to tough questions from the panel of judges, while Minor's attorney presented a strong case. Whether Minor is released in time to be with his dying wife is entirely in the hands of this panel deliberating Paul Minor's appeal.