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Jeffrey M. Smith

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International bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith is a leading spokesperson on the health dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). His globally respected research and magnetic communication style captured public attention in 2003 with his first book on the serious yet unknown side effects of genetically engineered foods, Seeds of Deception : Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating. Seeds of Deception became the world’s best selling book on the health risks of GMOs and is credited with motivating changes in consumer buying habits to safer, non-GMO foods. In his second book, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, Mr. Smith reveals insider documents about GMO safety trials that are sure to evoke strong emotions in the reader. Genetic Roulette shows how the world’s most powerful Ag biotech companies bluff and mislead critics, Congress and the FDA about food safety research for the products Americans buy everyday. Go to www.geneticroulette.com to read an excerpt.

Mr. Smith has counseled world leaders from every continent, influenced the first state laws regulating GMOs and has united leaders to support The Campaign for Healthier Eating in America, a revolutionary industry and consumer movement to remove GMOs from the natural food industry. A popular keynote speaker, he has lectured in 25 countries and has been quoted by government leaders and hundreds of media outlets across the globe including, The New York Times, Washington Post, BBC World Service, Nature, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, New Scientist, The Times (London), Associated Press, Reuters News Service, Time Magazine and Genetic Engineering News.

Mr. Smith directs the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America from the Institute for Responsible Technology, where he is executive director. He is also the producer of the docu-video series, The GMO Trilogy and writes an internationally syndicated monthly column, Spilling the Beans.

The Institute for Responsible Technology, www.responsibletechnology.org, is a public education nonprofit that works on major public initiatives with scientists and concerned citizens from around the world, to shine a spotlight on the dangers of GMOs. Prior to founding the Institute, Mr. Smith was the vice president of marketing communications for a GMO detection laboratory and a consultant to leading industry groups and organizations. Mr. Smith has written extensively on the GMO issue for more than a decade. He lives with his wife in Iowa, surrounded by genetically modified soybeans and corn.

The Institute for Responsible Technology fulfills its mission by:

Serving as the voice of non-GMO education to the media, trade organizations, government, business, consumers and international bodies.
Convening opportunities for non-GMO leaders to work together on key issues.
Promoting policies that enable grassroots community members to engage with public officials on a nonpartisan basis.
Supporting the development and dissemination of strategies to strengthen non-GMO volunteering, voting, giving, and other forms of citizen engagement.


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(35 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, May 19, 2009
American Academy of Environmental Medicine Calls for Immediate Moratorium on All Genetically Modified Foods Today, the AAEM called for a moratorium on GM foods, long-term independent studies, and labeling. They also called on physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.
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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day: No GMO Challenge Launches Today This Earth Day, co-sponsors Real Food Media and the Institute for Responsible Technology urge consumers to take the No GMO Challenge to protect themselves from one of history's greatest man-made health and environmental threats – genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The No GMO Challenge begins with a spring-inspired cupboard cleanout and a 30-day commitment to eating as many non-GMO meals as possible.
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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Governor Sebelius Must Veto Kansas Bill That Endangers Milk Safety Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius wants to be our new Secretary of Health & Human Services. Before she is sworn in, she must demonstrate that she is serious about protecting the safety of our food supply. Before the April 16th deadline, she must veto a bill passed by the KS legislature that restricts any national US dairy from properly labeling its milk products as free from genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.
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(28 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, March 28, 2009
Will Obama's Food Safety Team Finally Regulate the Biggest Food Safety Hazard of Our Time? Jeffrey M. Smith, the author of Seeds of Deception, weighs in on the new Food Safety Team: "It's now time to let us all opt out of this dangerous and failed GM experiment. If Obama's team is serious about food safety and public health, they must take GMOs off our plates."

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