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Gary Beckwith

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Gary Beckwith runs the Solar Bus, Election Justice Center, "your home for updated information on the fight for democracy in America".

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SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Over 80,000 complaints about voting problems already Many people have already voted and unfortunately we're seeing some of the same types of problems that we saw in 2004. Long lines; people are waiting up to 8 hours to vote, and it's not even election day yet. Several important stories are breaking. No frills or editorials today; just the headlines, with much more at our home page....
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Solar Bus Newsletter, Summer Update and Fall Schedule I always mention in every lecture I do on solar energy -the unbelievable fact that we would only need to cover about 1/6th of the state of Arizona with solar panels to power 100% of our country's electricity demand,even with current technology!Hopefully the Solar Bus leaves a trail of folks contemplating solar factoids behind us everywhere we go.It is heartwarming when someone comes back to let us know we're having an effect.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 15, 2007
Action Alert! Got a video projector you're not using? Recycle it at SolarBus! Help them make educational "Power Point" presentations and show films on the Solar Bus. They do great work on environmental as well as election issues. Your discard can make a difference!
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Are you ready to SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY? It's clear, the extent to which the votes will be counted correctly in this election depends on the vigilance of citizens like YOU.One of the most useful things you can do is report the election data toa team of experts who will be analyzing the data and looking for anomalies, immediately on Election Night. We need this to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here is what we are asking of all citizens:
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Voting Integrity Halted in Vermont The random selection of the precincts must be made in public view, as must the hand counting of the audited ballots. Tell her that a non-random audit is not satisfactory, and that they should use statistically proven methods for determining how many precincts or ballots should be hand counted. Any other type of audit may satisfy her, but it does not satisfy us or the experts.

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