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Paddy Shaffer

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Paddy Shaffer, Founder and Director of the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, is also an artist and art teacher. Paddy has been working with many other brave citizens to actively seek to put the evidence of fraud for the theft of the 2004 United States Presidential election, and of illegal destruction of the 2004 ballots by at least 58 of Ohio's 88 counties, and the evidence of the massive cover-up by multiple government agencies and other key figures who pretend to be election advocates but instead block enforcement of our laws before the federal court. She has helped bring these crimes against this nation before those who should enforce our laws, and before the people of the United States. This must be resolved, it is unthinkable that this blatant and easy to see fraud could continue for so many years. There are multiple deadlines to get justice for this, the final one is six years. The statute of limitations runs out on November 2, 2010. Lets go people, what can each of you do to help resolve this?


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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, June 14, 2009
Resolve It or Relive It: Ohio Election Fraud 2004 The below summarizes the unresolved election fraud situation in Ohio, then goes into depth with a synopsis, further background, and research resources. Your help is urgently needed before the statute of limitations expires.Contact AG Holder to work with OEJC and quickly initiate a special grand jury investigation into the 2004 election before it is too late.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Democracy Deadlocked The enclosed links are for a video called Democracy Deadlocked. It is about 20 minutes long and split in two parts for youtube viewing. Filmed in 2008, it gives the viewer an education on legal and lobbyist issues effecting Ohio elections. This is very important for the health of the state and nation. Please watch it.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 11, 2008
Election officials may face criminal charges: OEJC files in federal court Paddy Shaffer,director,OEJC,said,"The time for accountability is now,prior to the November election of our next president.Many counties allegedly destroyed ballots before the election was even certified.Why would we trust these people with the upcoming elections?"Mark Brown, a plaintiff in the suit and a candidate for public office in 2004, said, "Justice delayed is justice denied is injustice repeated."
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Are Ohio Voters Jus' a Buncha Dumb Hayseeds? Recent research by Ohio Election Justice Campaign reveals over 800 pages of documents on the destruction of the 2004 ballots in violation of court order not submitted to the court. Brunner promised all documents were provided to the court over a year ago. Are Ohio voters dumb hayseeds or have they trusted unwisely?
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Lobbyists Hack Your Elections (Part II) E-mail between Ohio lobbyist and Ohio election officials suggests that convicted felon Bob Ney connived with Ohio election officials to promote the agenda of lobbyists.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 26, 2008
Fourth of July BLITZ - Get Your Free "Fire Congress!" Poster Here! We are asking everyone to download this poster, print out a TON of them and go to your local 4th of July celebration and hand them out everywhere!
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, May 18, 2008
Ohio Attorney General Office Now Under Lobbyist Control Tom Winters is replacing Marc Dann temporarily as Attorney General. Winters was the #2 guy under Marc Dann.Tom Winters was once a lobbyist for Tom Noe,who invested Ohio's Bureau of Workers Compensation money on rare coins,beanie babies,and wine.Tom Noe is now in federal prison.That money was collected to be used by injured workers,their widows,& their children.That scandal was called coingate,& the Tom Winters connection is
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, February 25, 2008
The Ohio Election Justice Campaign Is Worried about Directive 2007-30 Directive 2007-30 regarding recounts in Ohio,now under this directive,seems to be a violation of OH law.This will make the choice of picking precincts for a recount, no longer able to be a random choice. I have included below the relevant part of the directive.All anyone who might be an election rigger would have to do to avoid getting caught is to leave alone the 1st precinct in every political subdivision & they could rig
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 10, 2008
Ohio 2008, Still Not Ready for An Election! At this time on behalf of the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, and the voters of Ohio, I hope the Secretary of State in Ohio, Jennifer Brunner (who will be receiving a copy of this) will personally make certain that no voter is adversely effected by the mismanagement of some of these Ohio websites. I would also like to note that there are some sites in very good shape. Thanks to those that have done their duty.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Quarantine That Machine! Citizen Action to Take Back Our Elections If the voting machine you use, behaves in an illegal manner, it should be treated as part of a crime scene. The theft of your vote is a crime by the voting machine & its vendors against YOU. Treat is as such. What should I do, you ask?
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, January 24, 2008
Hate to say we told you so...OH Election Officials Encouraged by GOP To Mutiny v. SoS Brunner This purging of alleged election criminals should have been done last year in 2007, as the OEJC requested, so Ohio would be ready for 2008. Instead Secretary Brunner was busy telling the press that she trusts the election officials, even though she claims the activists don't. Well maybe she should have listened to us, we trust only the trustworthy. Hate to say we told you so...
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, January 21, 2008
Ohio Election Justice Campaign Monthly Meeting 1/25
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 11, 2008
How the Ohio Democratic Party has let down democracy and Ohio The OH Dem Party has ousted staunch election reform advocate,State Sen Teresa Fedor,from her position as Minority Leader.She was sounding the alarm regarding the unsafe nature of touch screen voting machines (DREs) years before most people had ever heard of them.Her removal as the leader of the Dems in the OH Legislature is a dramatic blow to the election reform movement in OH. She has worked tirelessly for election reform.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, December 9, 2007
What will Ohio be voting on in 2008 and who decides? With the year 2008, a presidential election year only 22 days away, big decisions are unfolding. The public as yet is in the dark as to issues of our voting machines that are being done on our dime, by our representatives, and for which we may all have to live with the results.
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, November 29, 2007
Put Us out of a Job Lisa Welch's "the dog ate my homework" excuse is just one example of many which were returned to our own Secretary of State by her request.If these kinds of excuses are not found to be satisfactory to the public, why should they appear satisfactory to SoS Brunner?Perhaps that will be a question I include in my next records request to Mme Secretary.Our new SoS is our great hope based on her campaign promises.
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, November 7, 2007
We The People still wait for Ohio Election Justice for 2004 All the people wanted is what they paid for... while we pay election officials to run out elections, please just count our votes correctly the first time. Then when we are forced by necessity to raise additional money from citizen to recount what should have been accurately counted the first time... just count the damn ballots, don't cheat, and give us the actual results. It doesn't seem so hard.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, October 19, 2007
Music with a point: "If you want to be a voter (The Ballad of Sarasota)" The power of music. The lyrics are included for your enjoyment. And you can listen to the song.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, September 5, 2007
New Fear for Ohio...Not Election Fraud, but Tic Tac Fruit Theft of the US Presidency should be of a higher priority than Tic Tac Fruit.Activists,Journalists,Filmmakers,and people who want to observer a meeting where the beginning of the justice process for Ohio's Election Theft will begin.Many have joined with Paddy Shaffer,asking to meet for 3 hours with Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, and Ohio SoS Jennifer Brunner.They have now waited 3 weeks and 2 days.Why the wait?
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Citizens Demand Accountability & Law Enforcement in Bush Ohio Election Robbery A lot of big bright lights need to shine in Ohio,and then pull out the mops and buckets.We've got a whole bunch of cleaning to do.Fall cleaning as I see it,and for the sake of the state and nation,it all needs looked at.Everything needs examined.Ohio is still a crime scene,the yellow tape reading "CRIME SCENE" needs to stay around the state,until justice is served...
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 30, 2007
Missing records and record access in Ohio, July 2007 On June 29,2007,I was asked to assist Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips and Marj Creech with the photographing of 2004 ballots.It was an exhilarating experience,we were all so happy.The reason for our joyous mood,was that time was far different from when we had all gone on record gathering adventures around the state of Ohio many times since the Presidential Election of 2004.Often we had to battle to get access to "public records"...

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