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Denise McKinley R.N., Vice President Head of R&D, Medical Advisory Board Member of Internal Creations, Inc. Featured Expert at SelfGrowth.com on Health Products and Services. Denise has always had a strong interest in biology and health care. She has held a degree in nursing for over 30 years working in hospitals across the country focusing in the fields of surgical and maternity nursing. In 1978 she became involved in exercise, physical fitness and nutrition and began teaching classes in nutrition, aerobics and calisthenics helping women of all ages stay in shape. In 1981 after moving to Missouri her enthusiasm for physical fitness brought to the competition arena where she won several lightweight competitions in bodybuilding. Ten years after moving to Arizona she obtained a license in aesthetics and with her diverse background she was recruited by a major professional hair care corporation to help with the expansion of their new cosmetics and skin care line. Working closely with their top executives and chemists there she learned not only what was involved in research and development but also the marketing and retailing of their products. For years Denise had a desire to create a product that would be the best blend of ingredients for optimal health. That product is "NV" Nature's Virtue Designer Super Food Supplement. Learn more about the "NV" at http://www.internalcreations.com
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (4 comments) SHARE What's the Buzz on Glycemic Index Diets?
In a world full of diet plans how does one choose which is the best. Most people have found that eliminating "Junk" food, overly processed and fried foods from their diet is a good way to lose weight. But what is it that all of these types of foods have in common that plays the biggest part in causing us to gain weight which leads to so many devastating diseases? They all have a high glycemic index!
Sunday, May 17, 2009 (3 comments) SHARE Taking Control of Your Blood Sugar
The amount of adults in the US being diagnosed with diabetes increases every year. Why are some people more predisposed to diabetes than others? Preventing diabetes may just lie in few feasible and cost-effective lifestyle interventions. Now is the time to start "Taking Control of Your Blood Sugar"!
Friday, May 8, 2009 (4 comments) SHARE Cutting Cancer Risk With Dietary Changes
Let's explore the most common forms of cancer and address the questions of what makes them prevalent and what we can do to eradicate them. A few simple dietary changes can make the difference between life and death.
Thursday, May 7, 2009 (6 comments) SHARE A Greener You
If our exterior environment can go green why can't our interior environment go green at the same time? Get a greener body with a healthy diet. A healthy diet can prevent or even reverse many of the known diseases and conditions of our time.
Thursday, April 30, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE Fight Cancer With Good Nutrition
Is it possible to eliminate one of the most devastating illnesses known to modern mankind, an illness that has touched all of our lives in one way or another? Can we fight and win the battle before it starts? Know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. Let proper nutrition lead the charge!