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Howard Zinn is a historian, political scientist, social critic, activist and playwright, best known as author of the bestseller A People's History of the United States. The author of some 20 books, he is currently Professor Emeritus in the Political Science Department at Boston University.
(37 comments) SHARE Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Howard Zinn; Untold Truths About the American Revolution
We've got to rethink this question of war and come to the conclusion that war cannot be accepted, no matter what the reasons given, or the excuse: liberty, democracy; this, that. War is by definition the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people for ends that are uncertain. Was the Revolutionary War really necessary? And who did it benefit. Bottom line, is it was a top-down war that benefited the wealthy and powerful.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 14, 2009 Changing Obama's Mindset
We are citizens, and Obama is a politician. You might not like that word. But the fact is he's a politician. He's other things, too--he's a very sensitive and intelligent and thoughtful and promising person. But he's a politician.