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Will Allen grew up on a small farm in southern California and served in the Marine Corps between the Korean and Vietnam wars. He received a PhD in Anthropology (focused on Peruvian tropical forest agriculture) and taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of California, Santa Barbara, before being fired and sentenced to a year in jail for civil rights and antiwar activism. He returned to farming and farm labor full time in 1972 and has been farming organically ever since in Oregon, California, and Vermont, where he now comanages Cedar Circle Farm. He founded the Sustainable Cotton Project in 1991 and served as its executive director for thirteen years. He is currently a cochair of Farms Not Arms, is a policy advisory board member of the Organic Consumers Association, and serves on the board of Rural Vermont.
(5 comments) SHARE Monday, May 18, 2009 We Need Food and Farming Regulation NOW!
Taxpayers demand that government enforce existing regulations and create more stringent rules to limit excess and greed in banking, insurance, housing, and finance. But in the rush to regulate, we can't forget to oversee industrial agriculture. It is one of our most polluting and dangerous industries. Its practices have been little regulated for the last thirty years, creating dead zones from toxic chemicals we dont need.