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Michael Sauvante

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Michael Sauvante is a California entrepreneur with over 30 years business experience. He has founded and run over a half dozen small companies, mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. Along the way he accumulated a great deal of knowledge about entrepreneurism and all the issues that entrepreneurs have to contend with. He has had considerable start-up experience which has led him down many paths, including: extensive experience with new venture definition and creation, team building, fund raising, licensing, patents, joint venture agreements, mergers and acquisitions, spin-outs, and the whole topic of sustainability and the triple bottom line (social, environmental and economic bottom lines).

Michael Sauvante is the Executive Director of the Commonwealth Group (www.commonwealthgroup.net), creator of multiple new progressive business concepts concerning stock exchanges, banks, venture capital and community economic development, and is the principal author of the eBook, "So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?"

Previously, Mr. Sauvante co-founded a high technology holding company (Seertech Corporation, 2005-2007) to consolidate multiple companies (Rolltronics, VoltaFlex and InnoSigns) launched by Mr. Sauvante and to provide a platform for growing new ones. He was the entrepreneurial catalyst and visionary of the team. He is knowledgeable and experienced in licensing, and occasionally wears an inventor's hat.

Mr. Sauvante previously worked at HP Labs, during which time he initiated a new business development project intended to take technologies that were not finding commercial outlets within the company and provide them a more conducive environment to survive and grow.

Before working at HP, he founded and managed NovaQuest, an IT consulting company; NovaQuest/proQuaestus, a software company that developed an international trade database related to commodity classification and customs duty rates; Interconnect Options, which specialized in telecommunications systems; Warm Springs Development Associates, a real estate development company that led the initial development phase of a 700-acre high technology industrial park in Fremont, California; and I.E.S. Construction Services, a services company in the heavy equipment field of the construction industry.

In 2002, Mr. Sauvante was recognized by the World Economic Forum from Davos Switzerland as one of approximately 35 "Technology Pioneers" selected from around the world. He is known for his progressive thinking in the field of sustainability and corporate social and environmental behavior and responsibility.

His full bio can be seen at: http://www.commonweatlthgroup.net/sauvante.html


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Wealth of the Commons and Public Benefit Financial Institutions Our current financial institutions are failing us. This article explores a number of new public benefit financial institutions like a new stock exchange, public benefit banks, a new form of venture capital and the like. Each of these new models is designed to serve humanity and the planet, not the other way around.
SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, August 16, 2009
Publicly Owned Banks: A Multi-Purpose Solution This article builds on the ideas presented by Ellen Brown concerning publicly owned banks, by advocating another approach to accomplishing the same goal using non-profit corporations as the owners of the bank, instead of the government. The purpose of such banks is to green our communities and our country.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 23, 2009
An Energy and Climate Bill for the Rest of Us This article details some critical shortcomings in the existing energy bill that need to be corrected. Our country will only become truly green when we make our communities green, something the current bill does not address. This proposed legislation fixes that and focuses on creating thousands of small green companies, not jut big solutions, all across the country. That is how we can create the millions of green jobs needed.

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