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(1 comments) SHARE Friday, December 24, 2010 Invocation: Now Is the Time
This is symphonically accompanied prophetic psalm timed for the winter holidays that proclaims cosmic events about to happen on Earth.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Judgement Against the Austrian Courts: Persecution of a Troubled Austrian Journalist
Courageous Austrian-Irish journalist Jane Burgermeister, who has broken several of the most significant stories of the 21st century, is being persecuted by the Austrian courts and is now in grave danger, as are journalists and the human freedom they champion through truth-telling throughout the world. The people of the world need to be aware of this, and act to support them, for in so doing they support their own freedom.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 1, 2010 URGENT: Activist Jane Burgermeister Threatens Suicide on Her Blog Today; How We Might Help
Courageous Austrian-Irish journalist Jane Burgermeister, who broke the stories of the WHO's genocidal false flag H1N1 flu pandemic and the Polish government's false flag airplane "accident" is now in grave danger of being deprived of her liberty and life by the corporate-controlled Austrian government. Here is what we might do to help her and in do doing, ourselves.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 3, 2010 The Right and Duty of the People: The Legal and Moral Basis for Global Revolution
Most of the corporate-controlled national governments of the world -- including that of the United States --have committed crimes against nature and humanity, rendering their constitutional contracts with the people null and void. This is the basis for peaceful global revolution.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, June 15, 2009 A Declaration of Human Wrongs
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is by signed treaty the law of our land, access to healthcare, potable water, food, clothing, shelter, education, public transportation and legal counsel are fundamental human rights. Governments that routinely violate these rights are therefore illegitimate, and need to replaced routinely by the people of the world with massive, nonviolent direct action.