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William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.

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William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.
Political Scientist, author, speaker,
CEO for The Internet Voting Research and Education Fund, a CA Nonprofit Foundation

My new book, Internet Voting Now, on Kindle, at

Blog: http://tinyurl.com/IV4All
Face Book: http://tinyurl.com/BillonFB
Twitter: wjkno1


OpEd News Member for 816 week(s) and 4 day(s)

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Thursday, February 17, 2011 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing Independent Voters Are On the Move. Two-Party System BEWARE -- Tunisia and Egypt Can Happen Here! What would it take to spark a Tunisia or an Egypt in the USA? Listening to what Independents have to say might just do the trick.
Friday, February 4, 2011 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing California Prop 14 is GOOD for All States Because Political Parties are Un-American california voters passed Prop 14 in 2010. However, both inside and outside that state, the practical opportunities the new law offers are not well understood. If activists in CA and all the other states in the US understood what the opportunities for increased self-government this measure provides, more states would want to copy it, and more activists would want to seize to opportunities they now have.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Does the DC Fiasco Damn Internet Voting? This article shows why Internet voting has not been proven unworkable by the mess up in DC
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 SHARE More Sharing The Hidden Prop 14 Revolution Few progressives seem to see that Prop 14 is a revolution in the hidden phase of the CA election process. The easy-to-see parts are the primary and general election. The hidden, and maybe the most important, part is the petition and signature gathering phase. Prop 14 wipes out key advantages that Dems and Repubs once had. It's a revolution!
Saturday, August 28, 2010 (12 comments) SHARE More Sharing CA Prop 14 Explained Needless fear and misunderstanding abound in the progressive community about CA Prop 14. Is it a "Republican conspiracy"? Have Big Money corporate interests duped the public again? Are progressives in a weaker political position than ever before? No. No. No. Prop 14 is a victory for democracy. It is up to us to see the opportunity and to seize the moment.
Friday, August 20, 2010 (14 comments) SHARE More Sharing Nonpartisan Elections in CA, NYC, and the Nation Nonpartisan election processes may be the best hope for achieving a US government that is free of duopoly domination. Yet some progressives fail to see their best interest in this reform measure. What are the pros and cons, and advantages/disadvantages of nonpartisan elections? Those questions are discussed in the context of actual practice in California and New York City.
Thursday, September 10, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing PAPERLESS ELECTRONIC ELECTION UPHELD BY GERMAN SUPREME COURT The German Supreme Court has upheld a paperless electronic election, thus paving the way for Internet voting in Gremany.
Friday, August 14, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Internet Voting and Election Integrity This article explains how Internet voting can be used to super-democratize US elections.
Monday, June 29, 2009 (9 comments) SHARE More Sharing INTERNET VOTING: THE GREAT SECURITY SCARE Internet voting can be conducted with a degree of security similar to an online purchase, a million dollar bank transfer, or a secret military communication.

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