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Former Associate Director, Black Box Voting.
One of 11 Experts in Expose: "Hacked: High Tech Election Theft in America"
Appeared in HBO documentary: "Hacking Democracy"
Now Live In Austin, Texas -- Continuing investigive work for Black Box Voting
Consultant and member of local Texas Election Reform Organization: VoteRescue
SHARE Wednesday, April 11, 2007 On Launching New Website for HCPBnow dot org
Today marks the official launching of the new website "HCPBnow.org" in our campaign to return to hand counted paper ballots NOW, not later. This site was created in response to the ground-breaking evidence uncovered by BlackBoxVoting.org.,as a result of two years of in-the-field investigations by Bev Harris and me, of election-related issues(featured in the HBO documentary,"Hacking Democracy").
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 30, 2007 The Story Behind The Story of the Cuyahoga County Recount Trial
this case would never have been brought to trial without the citizens who were observers at that recount gathering evidence and reporting it to the proper authorities,including getting the videotaped evidence,which clinched the final outcome of the trial.It was a victory for citizen oversight all the way and that is what makes this story important.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 14, 2006 My Humble Theory on this Election: Thoughts, Anyone?
Sadly, America has become a country hiding behind its latest invention, at the expense of everything that makes the idea of this country a beacon of hope to the rest of the world.