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Douglas Drenkow

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Doug Drenkow is a writer, editor, webmaster, and producer. A fourth-generation Democrat, Doug has produced the political talk shows "Barry Gordon From Left Field," on radio, and "NewsRap with Barry Gordon," on cable TV, featuring top progressive guests in the nation. Having met his wife through the Internet, Doug is a big believer in the power of new media!

Doug Drenkow's progressive political commentaries have appeared in print, on radio and TV, and online -- as in OpEdNews, DailyKos, BuzzFlash, UPI, BBC, The Guardian, etc.

OpEd News Member for 1013 week(s) and 3 day(s)

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Thursday, December 9, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Pres. Obama's Mentor & Role Model & Hope for America I now sincerely believe that -- no matter how you or I may see him -- Pres. Obama sees himself as carrying on the mantle of his late "friend, colleague, and counsellor" Ted Kennedy, as the leader of, let's say, "pragmatic progressive" Democrats -- not really "centrist," like outgoing-Sen. Evan Bayh, but also not really "liberal," like Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Thursday, November 11, 2010 (25 comments) SHARE More Sharing $#@&! The swing voters indeed had a choice. They chose wrong. Dead wrong. The correct answer to the question of, Where do we go from here? wasn't to turn the country to the Right, but to the Left -- make Congress more progressive, not less. Invest more in infrastructure and green technology, not less. Make the wealth more equitably distributed, not less. Look out more for middle class and working class households, not less.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Vote for Job Creation Not GOP Extortion! The GOP ruined the economy, threw millions out of work, stood in the way of any and all help, and now wants our votes? And trillions for the rich? That smells like EXTORTION to me. We cannot afford to reward that behavior; we just cannot afford them in power again, not at this critical time. Work for jobs. Don't give in to extortion!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Vote for Job Creation Not GOP Extortion! The GOP ruined the economy, threw millions out of work, stood in the way of any and all help, and now wants our votes? And trillions for the rich? That smells like EXTORTION to me. We cannot afford to reward that behavior; we just cannot afford them in power again, not at this critical time. Work for jobs. Don't give in to extortion!
Saturday, May 29, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing See No Oil. Hear No Oil. Speak No Oil. Even though Pres. Obama has promised that oil company reps would no longer be -- literally as well as figuratively -- in bed with government regulators, it seems now as if another arm of the federal government has too "cosy" a relationship with BP ...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Make history? Yes, we can. And did. Again. From Teddy Roosevelt to Teddy Kennedy, some of the best and brightest American leaders have fought for the now--"45,000 Americans who die each year because they have no health insurance, and the nearly one million who go bankrupt each year because of medical expenses, even though most of those Americans had health insurance when they first got sick. But today, President Barack Obama has signed into law historic reforms.
Saturday, February 27, 2010 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing The President Calls the GOP Bluff. In his dramatic, historic, seven-plus-hour summit yesterday with both Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate -- televised for all the world to see -- President Obama remained true to his reputation and convictions, and thus our cause: better, more affordable health care for more Americans.
Friday, February 26, 2010 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing The President Calls the GOP Bluff. In his dramatic, historic, seven-plus-hour summit yesterday with both Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate -- televised for all the world to see -- President Obama remained true to his reputation and convictions, and thus our cause: better, more affordable health care for more Americans.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Closing the Deal in Health Reform, With or Without the GOP Any ideas will be considered in the health care summit; but most Democrats are confident that after public debate, with input from recognized health care experts, any reasonable observers will conclude that the GOP proposals, as we've heard before, will not be better than the (probably-by-then-reconciled) House/Senate plan for making health care insurance more available, dependable, and affordable (and lowering the deficit).
Thursday, January 28, 2010 SHARE More Sharing "Not This Year" -- L.A. Co. Dems' Great New Video! I cannot encourage you enough to watch -- and share -- this great new video by the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Use Reconciliation vs. "President Lieberman" If Geo. W. Bush had not been handed the presidency by the Right-wing majority on the U.S. Supreme court back in 2000, Al Gore would have become president; and Joe Lieberman, vice president. Reading how smug and happy Sen. Lieberman is as "point man" and spoiler, dictating terms of legislation, I cannot help but feel that Mr. Lieberman is playing out a fantasy of his envisioning himself as by now being "President Lieberman."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 (8 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Least Bad Option in Afghanistan After eight years of mismanagement of the Afghan War under Pres. Bush, there are no good options left, only less bad ones. Pres. Obama has done his best to balance the military and political realities, both here and abroad, to arrive at his strategy. His earnest, sober reasoning — in stark contrast to the leadership of Bush — should be respected, even if one disagrees with his ultimate decision: the least bad option.
Friday, November 6, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Election Lesson: It's right -- not Right -- to be Democrats. If we really, truly believe in the fair and wise policies we talk so much about, then by God, let's act upon them! And in the very best way that we can -- not some second-rate, watered-down version. Who knows, we might actually be right -- to not be Right. Our policies -- on the economy and health care and green jobs and so on -- might actually work. And people might actually, rightly re-elect us.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Insurance Companies' "License to Kill": ERISA Health insurance companies administering employer-based health plans -- the very private insurance plans covering most Americans, even under the health reform bills being considered by Congress -- have a "license to kill": It is contained in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, ERISA -- little known to most Americans but very profitably exploited by health insurance companies, costing many people their lives.
Monday, October 19, 2009 SHARE More Sharing My "Health Reform Video Challenge" Submission Organizing for America is sponsoring a "Health Reform Video Challenge": "Create the best 30 second video you can that makes the case for passing health insurance reform in 2009." So I wrote a script, structured around these three themes: making health insurance "available, dependable, and affordable." And what could make more of an impression than presenting the names and faces of those who were victims of our current system?
Friday, October 9, 2009 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Pres. Obama: An Inspired and Inspiring Nobel Peace Prize Choice It is obvious that Pres. Obama represents a new face, ethnically and figuratively, of America -- the most powerful nation -- to the world: a vision of hope through working together with, not against, one another. And that indeed is the only road that leads to peace. Pres. Obama says he is "humbled" by the Prize; I am proud of the honor he has brought to America.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Report: Public Option as Best Cost Control In order to assist other progressive activists in moving health care reform -- including a public option -- forward, I have prepared a report entitled Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise: The Public Option as the Best Insurance of Health Care Coverage and Cost Control. As indicated by its Executive Summary, this report includes comprehensive (searchable) content, commentary, and hyperlinked references.
Monday, September 14, 2009 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing When is a Public Option Not a Public Option? As an alternative to the public option -- which unfortunately has been losing public support -- the Senate Finance Committee is reportedly coming together around a plan to expand Medicaid to cover Americans not covered by private insurance. However, there are several vital concerns to consider, to ensure coverage and cost-control; in short, Medicaid must become more like Medicare. We don't want "No Patient Left Behind."
Friday, September 11, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Media in States with Centrist Senators - Research Report for Action In the wake of President Barack Obama's stirring and historic speech this week to a joint session of Congress, I have prepared a research paper to aid those who want to help the health care reform effort by grassroots action; namely, contacting the media in the states of those "centrist" Democratic and Republican senators whose votes will most likely be decisive.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 SHARE More Sharing Personal Tragedies Show Need for Health Care Reform: Video of "Congressional Send-Off Rally" in L.A. I shot, edited, and posted on YouTube video clips of the Sept. 3 "Congressional Send-Off Rally" held in L.A. by Organizing for America and Health Care for America NOW! See and hear how people have lost their lives due to insurance company failures and how political leaders are supporting health care reform, including a public option. And call the HCAN hotline to leave a message for your congressional representative!

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