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Jesse Mathewson is currently a writer, stay at home father, full time student, and political campaign volunteer coordinator. His hobbies include writing, shooting, teaching, and history (religious and United States history.)His resume includes working for Citi Bank (several areas,) United Bank Card (credit card processing company,) Aegis Mortgage, Rent A Center, and more. He also holds a current investigators license in Arizona and has contributed to training our nations soldiers. His personal library includes works from Thomas Paine through Thomas Jefferson and in most cases they are original works dated as early as 1797 spanning the years till now. When he uses quotes in his work he can proudly say that he uses original work to do this- none of his quotes used are recycled and or changed.
(11 comments) SHARE Saturday, October 10, 2009 Secession: is it right?
My response to the article titled, "This is what Civil War in America will Look Like."
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 2, 2009 Liberal the word defined, the term accepted
I originally wanted to write this article as a response to someone who I felt had slighted me by calling me a Liberal, over the course of study and writing of this article, I realized that I am indeed a Liberal!